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==Bots "marionnettes"==
Les bots "marionnettes" ne comportent pas d'IA. Ils ne peuvent donc pas remplacer de vrais joueurs puisqu'ils sont dans l'incapacité d'agir d'eux-mêmes. Cependant, on peut les utiliser comme des poupées en leur faisant faire des actions simples tel le suivi du joueur ou le tir.
Ils sont principalement utiles pour tester le jeu. On peut également s'amuser en regardant une armée de parfaits soldats tirant leur roquettes à l'unisson ou alors exploser une douzaine d'ennemis impuissants avec une simple bombe collante.
Comme ils nécessitent que la valeur "sv_cheats" du serveur soit réglé sur 1, on ne peut pas utiliser des bots pour débloquer des succés.
==Commandes bots "marionnettes==
Plusieurs commandes peuvent ne pas marcher. Pour plus de clarté, nous avons préféré garder la liste complète de toutes les commandes.  Il faut noter que si vous tapez une commande sans aucune valeur, la console vous affichera une fenêtre d'aide indiquant les commandes associés à celle tapée.
{| class="wikitable grid"
! class="header" | Command
! class="header" | Description
This command will create a bot on the given team with the specified class and name. If team or name is omitted, they will be assigned randomly.
;Syntax: <code>bot -team <''teamname/number''> -class <''classname''> -name <''botname''></code>
:<code>-team ''teamname/number''</code>
::Specifies the team name or number to assign the bot. Where ''name/number'' can be ''[[RED]]'' or ''1'', ''[[BLU]]'' or ''0''
:<code>-class ''classname''</code>
::The ''classname'' of the class can be ''[[Demoman]]'', ''[[Engineer]]'', ''[[Heavy]]Weapons'', ''[[Medic]]'', ''[[Pyro]]'', ''[[Scout]]'', ''[[Soldier]]'', ''[[Sniper]]'', or ''[[Spy]]''
:<code>-name ''botname''</code>
::''botname'' can be anything. If there is already someone with the same name, an incremental number (starting at 1) surrounded with parenthesis will be added to the beginning of the name. For example, joe, (1)joe, (2)joe, etc. If no name is given then the name will be "bot" followed by a number starting with 01; for example, the first bot will be bot01, the next bot02, and so on.
;Example: <code>bot -team red -class Engineer -name joe</code>
Force all bots to change to the specified class.
''Does not seem to be implemented, nothing happens.''
Make all bots change teams.
This forces all the bots to switch teams. If a bot was on the RED team then it will now be on the BLU team and vice versa.
Sends specified command on behalf of specified bot.
;Syntax: <code>bot_command <''botname''> <''console command''></code>
::''botname'' is the name or id of the bot to send the command to.
::''console command'' can be any of the ones listed in [[Scripting#Console_Commands]].
;Example 1: bot_command bot01 "voicemenu 0 0"
;Example 2: bot_command bot01 "taunt"
Set to a team number, and that team will all keep their combat shields raised.
For instance, heavies will spin their miniguns.
Bots are allowed or prevented from moving.  When set to ''1'' the bots cannot move but they can still turn and jump.  Note with a combination of this command and <code>bot_mimic</code> you can move bots to where you want them and leave them there.
;Syntax: <code>bot_dontmove <''0/1''></code>
::Bot is allowed to move, or not.
;Example: <code>bot_dontmove 1</code>
This will make all the bots automatically fire whatever [[weapon]] they currently have selected.  If <code>bot_forceattack2</code> is set to ''0'', then the bots will execute primary_fire.  If <code>bot_forceattack2</code> is set to ''1'', then the bots will execute secondary_fire.
Note this does nothing if <code>bot_mimic</code> is active (set to ''1'').
;Syntax: <code>bot_forceattack <''0/1''></code>
::Bot will not fire if set to ''0'' and fire repeatedly if set to ''1''.
;Example: <code>bot_forceattack 1</code>
This will make all the bots execute secondary_fire on whatever [[weapon]] they currently have selected when <code>bot_forceattack</code> is set to ''1''.
;Syntax: <code>bot_forceattack2 <''0/1''></code>
::Bot will use its weapon's secondary_fire when set to ''1'', primary_fire when set to ''0''
;Example: <code>bot_forceattack2 1</code>
When firing, don't tap fire, hold it down. If this is set to ''0'' then the bot will act like they are continuously tapping the fire button (useful for the [[Pistol]], but not for the [[Heavy]]'s [[Minigun]]). If this is set to ''1'' then the bot will act as if it is holding down the fire button (useful for the Heavy).
;Syntax: <code>bot_forceattack_down <''0/1''></code>
::On when set to ''1'', off when set to ''0''
;Example: <code>bot_forceattack_down 1</code>
Force bots with the specified weapon to fire.
''Does not seem to be implemented, nothing happens.''
Kills the specified bot.
;Syntax: <code>bot_kill <''bot name''></code>
::Makes the specified bot commit suicide.
;Example: <code>bot_kill bot01</code>
Bot uses usercmd of player by index.
The bot will execute all keystrokes issued by a player, mimicking movements, turns, jumps, fire, etc.
Note this overrides <code>bot_forceattack</code> but does not override <code>bot_dontmove</code>.
;Syntax: <code>bot_mimic <''0/1''></code>
::On when set to ''1'', off when set to ''0''
;Example: <code>bot_mimic 1</code>
Offsets the bots' yaw.
The bots will face in a direction this angle from the player. By default this is set to ''180'' so that all bots will face the player. Setting this to ''0'' will face the bots in the same direction as the player.
;Syntax: <code>bot_mimic_yaw_offset <''0-360''></code>
::Set the direction by specifying angle in degrees
;Example: <code>bot_mimic_yaw_offset 180</code>
This will add text to bot names, apparently used for testing during development, some examples: "Yet more Bot names, medium size", "Another bot", "This is a medium Bot", "This is a super long bot name t"
;Syntax: <code>bot_randomnames <''0/1''></code>
::On when set to ''1'', off when set to ''0''
;Example: <code>bot_randomnames 1</code>
Refills all bots' Ammo counts, including [[Metal]] for Engineers.
Syntax: <code>bot_refill</code>
This makes all the bots call for a Medic, equivalent to issuing <code>bot_command <''botname''> "voicemenu 0 0"</code> to every bot.
Syntax: <code>bot_saveme <''0/1''></code>
::On when set to ''1'', off when set to ''0''
This makes the first bot select weapon in specified weapon slot.
0 = primary; 1 = secondary; 2 = melee; 3 = special
Note this only works for the first bot spawned.  There doesn't seem to be a way to specify other bots.
;Syntax: <code>bot_selectweaponslot <''n''></code>
::Set ''n'' to weapon slot that bots should switch to.
;Example: <code>bot_selectweaponslot 2</code>
Teleports a specified bot to a given coordinate.
Map coordinates of where you are standing can be found by typing <code>Status</code> in the console.
;Syntax: <code>bot_teleport <''botname''> <''X''> <''Y''> <''Z''> <''Pitch''> <''Yaw''> <''Roll''></code>
::Where ''botname'' is the bot name or id to teleport.
::<code>''X'' ''Y'' ''Z''</code> are the map coordinates.
::<code>''Pitch'' ''Yaw'' ''Roll''</code> is the direction the bot should face.
;Example: <code>bot_teleport bot01 -4815 1385 -447 0 0 0</code>
Deliver lethal damage from player to specified bot. This basically kills the bot with the currently selected weapon, probably used for testing during development.
;Syntax: bot_whack <''botname''>
::Where ''botname'' is the name of bot to "whack".
;Example: bot_whack bot109
==Useful aliases and binds==
<code>sv_lan 1</code>
<code>sv_cheats 1</code>
<code>mp_teams_unbalance_limit 0</code>
<code>alias +bot_shoot_primary "bot_selectweaponslot 0; bot_forceattack 1"</code>
<code>alias -bot_shoot_primary "bot_selectweaponslot 0; bot_forceattack 0"</code>
<code>alias +bot_shoot_secondary "bot_selectweaponslot 1; bot_forceattack 1"</code>
<code>alias -bot_shoot_secondary "bot_selectweaponslot 1; bot_forceattack 0"</code>
<code>bind n +bot_shoot_primary</code>
<code>bind m +bot_shoot_secondary</code>
Pressing ''n'' will cause the bot to switch to its primary weapon and fire once.  Pressing ''m'' will cause the bot to switch to its secondary weapon and fire once.  Press each key repeatedly to fire repeatedly.  If you want to use secondary fire for a particular weapon (e.g. detonate demoman sticky bombs or bat a ball from the sandman), type in <code>bot_forceattack2 1</code> in the console to enable secondary fire, then press the bound key, then <code>bot_forceattack2 0</code> to switch back to primary fire.  Of course you could also bind these to a key...
==Example Scripts==
#Create a server and load a map ([[Gravelpit]] works well as a map since there is just the one respawn room, or the achievement maps with the open spawn areas).
#Join as a BLU Engineer and stay in the respawn room.
#Bring down console and type:
#:sv_cheats 1
#:mp_teams_unbalance_limit 0
#:bot -class Engineer
#:bot_mimic_yaw_offset 0
#:bot_mimic 1
#:This will spawn a BLU Engineer bot by the name of "bot01" which will do what you do, including walking around and selecting/firing weapons. However, it will not build anything if you build it. You can make it select the build menu, but cannot actually select a menu item when you do. Thankfully, there is the '''BUILD''' command and the <code>bot_command</code> that can make the bot issue commands.
#Bring down console and type:
#:bot_command bot01 "build 3"
#:This will start the build process with the Engineer holding his toolbox, the bot should be seeing the blueprint now.
#Close the console and press your fire button - this will start the [[Sentry]] building. Keep pressing the fire button to make the bot hit the Sentry with his [[Wrench]] to build it faster, and if you want add Metal to it. If you want to increase the Sentry's level then you need to give the bot more Metal with the <code>bot_refill</code> console command.
=== Other examples===
#:The following will create a red medic and a red soldier who fire continously until they are out of ammo. The medic ends up with a medigun set to heal any other player who passes them or an enemy spy. The soldier ends up bashing away with his melee weapon unless he ends up above a supply of ammunition I which case he will continually fire rockets (good for deflection practice).
:sv_cheats 1
:mp_teams_unbalance_limit 0
:bot -team red -class medic
:bot -team red -class soldier
:bot_mimic 0
:bot_forceattack 1
:bot_selectweaponslot 1
:sv_cheats 0
#:The following will create a red sniper who continously scopes in and a red spy who cloaks and decloaks. The retry after turning sv_cheats off gives you a clean  session.
:sv_cheats 1
:mp_teams_unbalance_limit 0
:bot -team red -class sniper
:bot -team red -class spy
:bot_selectweaponslot 1
:bot_mimic 0
:bot_forceattack 1
:bot_forceattack2 1
:sv_cheats 0
#:The following gives you three red scouts and three red heavies.
:sv_cheats 1
:mp_teams_unbalance_limit 0
:bot -team red -class scout
:bot -team red -class scout
:bot -team red -class scout
:bot -team red -class heavyweapons
:bot -team red -class heavyweapons
:bot -team red -class heavyweapons
:sv_cheats 0
== Références ==
== Références ==

Revision as of 09:53, 3 July 2010

Il y a deux sortes de bots à TF2:

  • Les premiers possèdent une intelligence artificielle (IA) sophistiquée, basé sur l'IA des infectés de Left 4 Dead[1]. Ils sont suffisamment intelligents pour remplacer des joueurs humains dans la plus part des cas. L'activation de la commande sv_cheats n'est pas nécessaire, ce qui permet aux joueurs humain de réaliser des succès en jouant contre des bots.
  • Les seconds n'ont pas d'IA, ce sont de simples marionnettes que l'on peut faire apparaitre pour faire différentes chose, comme les faire vous suivre partout et tirer. Ils sont utiles pour les testeurs ou pour céder à des fantasmes antisocial. La commande sv_cheats nécessite d'être activée, de ca fait les joueurs humains ne peuvent réaliser des succès en jouant avec eux.

Bots avec IA

Ces bots peuvent prendre la place de joueurs humain. Ils ne peuvent être qu'invoqués, ils ne peuvent pas être directement contrôlés. De plus, on ne peut pas choisir la classes des bots invoqués -- le jeu choisi pour vous.

Cependant, les bots apparaissant dans certaines classes peuvent être indirectement contrôlés, jusqu'à un certain point: un bot [[Medic/fr|Medic] vous soignera si vous l'appelez à l'aide(Touche "E" par défaut sur PC). Si un bot Medic vous soigne et qu'il possède une ÜberCharge prête, l'utilisation de la commande vocale "Go go go!" (Par défaut "W" puis "3" sur PC) ou de "Activate Charge!" (par défaut "X" puis "7" sur PC) forcera le bot à activer son ÜberCharge!

A propos de ce texte:

  • Les bots sont toujours en beta-test.
  • Toutes les classes ne sont pas représentées, par exemple pas de Spy; Il est probable qu'un humain Spy ai un comportent trop complexe pour qu'il soit efficacement reproduit par une intelligence artificielle. Valve travaille probablement dessus.
  • Ils fonctionnent sans soucis sur la plus part des maps officielles de type Roi de la colline et cp_dustbowl.
  • Les bots ne peuvent actuellement pas, ou ne pourront pas, sauter, rocketjumper ou stickyjumper volontairement.
  • Les bots n'utilisent pas à l'heure actuelle les objets déblocables ou trouvables (Chapeaux, armes, divers).

Commandes pour les bot avec IA

Pour utiliser les bots avec IA sur les map supportées, il suffit d'ouvrir la console et de taper les commandes suivantes:

Command Description


This command will create one or more AI bots of random classes on random teams. They will also be assigned amusing human-like names.

tf_bot_add [<count>] [<class>] [<team>] [<difficulty>]
Specifies the number of bots to spawn. If omitted, one bot is spawned.
As of this writing, specifying a number greater than the maximum number of players, including any human players, causes the bots to freeze. Thus if you have a 24 player server (the default), and one human player, do not spawn more than 23 bots.
The classname of the class can be Demoman, Engineer, HeavyWeapons, Medic, Pyro, Scout, Soldier, Sniper, or Spy
Specifies the team name to assign the bot, where team can be red or blue
Sets the difficulty level for the bot, where difficulty can be easy, normal, or hard.
tf_bot_add red 3 heavyweapons easy will add three heavies to the red team at the easy skill level.


Defines the skill of bots joining the game.

tf_bot_difficulty <level>
Sets the difficulty level for the bots. Values are: 0=easy, 1=normal, 2=hard, 3=expert. Default is "Normal" (1).
tf_bot_difficulty 2 will set all bots created after this command to "Hard" difficulty.


If set to a class name, all TFBots will respawn as that class.

tf_bot_force_class <class>
The classname of the class can be Demoman, Engineer, HeavyWeapons, Medic, Pyro, Scout, Soldier, Sniper, or Spy. Default is "" (aka blank).
tf_bot_force_class medic will make all TFbots respawn as Medic.


If nonzero, bots wait until a player joins before entering the game.

tf_bot_join_after_player <integer>
Either 1 or 0. Default is 1 (enabled).
tf_bot_join_after_player 0 will make TFBots join the game when added even if no players are on a team.


If zero, bots will always respawn as a different class.

tf_bot_keep_class_after_death <integer>
Either 1 or 0. Default is 0 (disabled).
tf_bot_keep_class_after_death 1 will prevent TFBots from changing class.


This command will remove one or all AI bots.

tf_bot_kick <name/all>
Specifies the name of bot to remove or all.
tf_bot_kick CEDA will kick the TFbot named "CEDA" if one exists.


If nonzero, append the skill level of the bot to the bot's name

tf_bot_prefix_name_with_difficulty <integer>
Either 1 or 0. Default is 0 (disabled).
tf_bot_prefix_name_with_difficulty 1 will cause added bots to have names like "1 Aimbot" (normal) and "3 Saxton Hale" (expert).


Determines the total number of tf bots in the game. Only has effect is "tf_bot_quota_mode" = "fill" or "match".

tf_bot_quota <integer>
Whole number between 0 and how many players the server can hold. Default is 0.
tf_bot_quota 2, if tf_bot_quota_mode = match, will add two bots to the server for every one human.


Determines the type of quota.

If 'normal', the server will never add/remove TFbots without explicit commands and bot_quota has no effect.
If 'fill', the server will adjust bots to keep N players in the game, where N is bot_quota.
If 'match', the server will maintain a 1:N ratio of humans to bots, where N is bot_quota.
tf_bot_quota_mode fill will always keep (bot_quota - # of human players) bots in the game.

Il est possible d'utiliser les bot avec IA sur des map non supportées, mais le résultant est sans garantie. Premièrement le serveur doit avoir les codes activés (sv_cheats 1), et deuxièmement il faut générer le chemin des bots qui provoque un rechargement de la map, et troisièmement ces chemins ne fonctionnent généralement pas bien. Cependant si vous désirez tout de même utiliser des bots sur des maps non supportés voici la marche à suivre:

1) Ouvrez la console et tapez les commandes qui suivent
2) sv_cheats 1
3) nav_generate
4) Attendez quelques instant (peut prendre plusieurs minutes) que le jeu génère les chemins des bots
5) La map va se recharger (les chemins sont sauvegardés, pas besoin de refaire l'étape précédente)
6) tf_bot_add <nombre>

De plus, un packs de chemins pour bots a été réalisé pour de nombreuses maps.

Note: Les bots ne marchent pas sur les maps de type Capture de l'intelligence ou Payload même avec le tutoriel vu plus haut. Il faudra une nouvelle mise à jour des bots.

Noms des bots

Les bots avec IA sont programmés pour prendre différents noms. De nombreux noms sont des références aux travaux de Valve, tel que Portal, Left 4 Dead 1 & 2, Half-Life, etc... Il y a également des références a Team Fortress. Beaucoup de ces noms ont été demandés par la communauté les sur les forums de Steam.

Bots "marionnettes"

Les bots "marionnettes" ne comportent pas d'IA. Ils ne peuvent donc pas remplacer de vrais joueurs puisqu'ils sont dans l'incapacité d'agir d'eux-mêmes. Cependant, on peut les utiliser comme des poupées en leur faisant faire des actions simples tel le suivi du joueur ou le tir.

Ils sont principalement utiles pour tester le jeu. On peut également s'amuser en regardant une armée de parfaits soldats tirant leur roquettes à l'unisson ou alors exploser une douzaine d'ennemis impuissants avec une simple bombe collante.

Comme ils nécessitent que la valeur "sv_cheats" du serveur soit réglé sur 1, on ne peut pas utiliser des bots pour débloquer des succés.

Commandes bots "marionnettes

Plusieurs commandes peuvent ne pas marcher. Pour plus de clarté, nous avons préféré garder la liste complète de toutes les commandes. Il faut noter que si vous tapez une commande sans aucune valeur, la console vous affichera une fenêtre d'aide indiquant les commandes associés à celle tapée.

Command Description


This command will create a bot on the given team with the specified class and name. If team or name is omitted, they will be assigned randomly.

bot -team <teamname/number> -class <classname> -name <botname>
-team teamname/number
Specifies the team name or number to assign the bot. Where name/number can be RED or 1, BLU or 0
-class classname
The classname of the class can be Demoman, Engineer, HeavyWeapons, Medic, Pyro, Scout, Soldier, Sniper, or Spy
-name botname
botname can be anything. If there is already someone with the same name, an incremental number (starting at 1) surrounded with parenthesis will be added to the beginning of the name. For example, joe, (1)joe, (2)joe, etc. If no name is given then the name will be "bot" followed by a number starting with 01; for example, the first bot will be bot01, the next bot02, and so on.
bot -team red -class Engineer -name joe


Force all bots to change to the specified class. Does not seem to be implemented, nothing happens.


Make all bots change teams. This forces all the bots to switch teams. If a bot was on the RED team then it will now be on the BLU team and vice versa.


Sends specified command on behalf of specified bot.

bot_command <botname> <console command>
botname is the name or id of the bot to send the command to.
console command can be any of the ones listed in Scripting#Console_Commands.
Example 1
bot_command bot01 "voicemenu 0 0"
Example 2
bot_command bot01 "taunt"


Set to a team number, and that team will all keep their combat shields raised. For instance, heavies will spin their miniguns.


Bots are allowed or prevented from moving. When set to 1 the bots cannot move but they can still turn and jump. Note with a combination of this command and bot_mimic you can move bots to where you want them and leave them there.

bot_dontmove <0/1>
Bot is allowed to move, or not.
bot_dontmove 1


This will make all the bots automatically fire whatever weapon they currently have selected. If bot_forceattack2 is set to 0, then the bots will execute primary_fire. If bot_forceattack2 is set to 1, then the bots will execute secondary_fire.

Note this does nothing if bot_mimic is active (set to 1).

bot_forceattack <0/1>
Bot will not fire if set to 0 and fire repeatedly if set to 1.
bot_forceattack 1


This will make all the bots execute secondary_fire on whatever weapon they currently have selected when bot_forceattack is set to 1.

bot_forceattack2 <0/1>
Bot will use its weapon's secondary_fire when set to 1, primary_fire when set to 0
bot_forceattack2 1


When firing, don't tap fire, hold it down. If this is set to 0 then the bot will act like they are continuously tapping the fire button (useful for the Pistol, but not for the Heavy's Minigun). If this is set to 1 then the bot will act as if it is holding down the fire button (useful for the Heavy).

bot_forceattack_down <0/1>
On when set to 1, off when set to 0
bot_forceattack_down 1


Force bots with the specified weapon to fire. Does not seem to be implemented, nothing happens.


Kills the specified bot.

bot_kill <bot name>
Makes the specified bot commit suicide.
bot_kill bot01


Bot uses usercmd of player by index. The bot will execute all keystrokes issued by a player, mimicking movements, turns, jumps, fire, etc.

Note this overrides bot_forceattack but does not override bot_dontmove.

bot_mimic <0/1>
On when set to 1, off when set to 0
bot_mimic 1


Offsets the bots' yaw. The bots will face in a direction this angle from the player. By default this is set to 180 so that all bots will face the player. Setting this to 0 will face the bots in the same direction as the player.

bot_mimic_yaw_offset <0-360>
Set the direction by specifying angle in degrees
bot_mimic_yaw_offset 180


This will add text to bot names, apparently used for testing during development, some examples: "Yet more Bot names, medium size", "Another bot", "This is a medium Bot", "This is a super long bot name t"

bot_randomnames <0/1>
On when set to 1, off when set to 0
bot_randomnames 1


Refills all bots' Ammo counts, including Metal for Engineers.

Syntax: bot_refill


This makes all the bots call for a Medic, equivalent to issuing bot_command <botname> "voicemenu 0 0" to every bot. Syntax: bot_saveme <0/1>

On when set to 1, off when set to 0


This makes the first bot select weapon in specified weapon slot. 0 = primary; 1 = secondary; 2 = melee; 3 = special Note this only works for the first bot spawned. There doesn't seem to be a way to specify other bots.

bot_selectweaponslot <n>
Set n to weapon slot that bots should switch to.
bot_selectweaponslot 2


Teleports a specified bot to a given coordinate. Map coordinates of where you are standing can be found by typing Status in the console.

bot_teleport <botname> <X> <Y> <Z> <Pitch> <Yaw> <Roll>
Where botname is the bot name or id to teleport.
X Y Z are the map coordinates.
Pitch Yaw Roll is the direction the bot should face.
bot_teleport bot01 -4815 1385 -447 0 0 0


Deliver lethal damage from player to specified bot. This basically kills the bot with the currently selected weapon, probably used for testing during development.

bot_whack <botname>
Where botname is the name of bot to "whack".
bot_whack bot109

Useful aliases and binds

sv_lan 1

sv_cheats 1

mp_teams_unbalance_limit 0

alias +bot_shoot_primary "bot_selectweaponslot 0; bot_forceattack 1"

alias -bot_shoot_primary "bot_selectweaponslot 0; bot_forceattack 0"

alias +bot_shoot_secondary "bot_selectweaponslot 1; bot_forceattack 1"

alias -bot_shoot_secondary "bot_selectweaponslot 1; bot_forceattack 0"

bind n +bot_shoot_primary

bind m +bot_shoot_secondary

Pressing n will cause the bot to switch to its primary weapon and fire once. Pressing m will cause the bot to switch to its secondary weapon and fire once. Press each key repeatedly to fire repeatedly. If you want to use secondary fire for a particular weapon (e.g. detonate demoman sticky bombs or bat a ball from the sandman), type in bot_forceattack2 1 in the console to enable secondary fire, then press the bound key, then bot_forceattack2 0 to switch back to primary fire. Of course you could also bind these to a key...

Example Scripts

  1. Create a server and load a map (Gravelpit works well as a map since there is just the one respawn room, or the achievement maps with the open spawn areas).
  2. Join as a BLU Engineer and stay in the respawn room.
  3. Bring down console and type:
    sv_cheats 1
    mp_teams_unbalance_limit 0
    bot -class Engineer
    bot_mimic_yaw_offset 0
    bot_mimic 1
    This will spawn a BLU Engineer bot by the name of "bot01" which will do what you do, including walking around and selecting/firing weapons. However, it will not build anything if you build it. You can make it select the build menu, but cannot actually select a menu item when you do. Thankfully, there is the BUILD command and the bot_command that can make the bot issue commands.
  4. Bring down console and type:
    bot_command bot01 "build 3"
    This will start the build process with the Engineer holding his toolbox, the bot should be seeing the blueprint now.
  5. Close the console and press your fire button - this will start the Sentry building. Keep pressing the fire button to make the bot hit the Sentry with his Wrench to build it faster, and if you want add Metal to it. If you want to increase the Sentry's level then you need to give the bot more Metal with the bot_refill console command.

Other examples

  1. The following will create a red medic and a red soldier who fire continously until they are out of ammo. The medic ends up with a medigun set to heal any other player who passes them or an enemy spy. The soldier ends up bashing away with his melee weapon unless he ends up above a supply of ammunition I which case he will continually fire rockets (good for deflection practice).
sv_cheats 1
mp_teams_unbalance_limit 0
bot -team red -class medic
bot -team red -class soldier
bot_mimic 0
bot_forceattack 1
bot_selectweaponslot 1
sv_cheats 0
  1. The following will create a red sniper who continously scopes in and a red spy who cloaks and decloaks. The retry after turning sv_cheats off gives you a clean session.
sv_cheats 1
mp_teams_unbalance_limit 0
bot -team red -class sniper
bot -team red -class spy
bot_selectweaponslot 1
bot_mimic 0
bot_forceattack 1
bot_forceattack2 1
sv_cheats 0
  1. The following gives you three red scouts and three red heavies.
sv_cheats 1
mp_teams_unbalance_limit 0
bot -team red -class scout
bot -team red -class scout
bot -team red -class scout
bot -team red -class heavyweapons
bot -team red -class heavyweapons
bot -team red -class heavyweapons
sv_cheats 0
