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<br>A dyslexic man walks into a bra...
<br>This is the Shako Wall.  When you tickle me, you end up here.
<br>[00:34] <Nixshadow> lol
<br>[00:34] <SS2R> lol
<br>[00:34] <Cructo> lol
<br>[00:34] <Nixshadow> lol
<br>[00:34] <SS2R> lol
<br>[00:34] <Cructo> lol
<br>[00:34] <Nixshadow> lol
<br>[00:34] <SS2R> lol
<br>[00:34] <Cructo> lol
<br>[03:37] <Lexar> SS2R: who has the wiki cap?
<br>[03:37] <Lexar> oh i went thar
<br>[03:37] <SS2R> Lexar: who actually cares?
<br>[03:37] <SS2R> we've had this convo
<br>[03:37] <SS2R> you are talking to the wrong person when it comes to hats
<br>[03:37] <Lexar> touche
<br>[03:37] <Lexar> SS2R: ah yes, your a weapons hoarder
<br>[03:38] <SS2R> Lexar: COLLECTOR god damn it :)
<br>[03:38] <Lexar> SS2R: hoarder
<br>[03:38] <SS2R> Lexar: i will slice you
<br>[03:38] <SS2R> deep slice
<br>[03:38] <Lexar> SS2R: i will blind you
<br>[03:38] <SS2R> i am blind
<br>[03:38] <SS2R> TAKE THAT SCIENCE
<br>[03:38] <Lexar> SS2R: then how you play tf2?
<br>[03:39] <SS2R> if i told you, you're head would turn into ash
<br>[03:39] <SS2R> do you want that? DO YOU.
<br>[03:39] <Lexar> SS2R: no YOUR head would
<br>[03:39] <SS2R> fuck
<br>[03:39] <SS2R> then im def not telling
<br>[03:39] <Lexar> yes, i would want that to happen
<br>[03:39] <SS2R> well, now that we've had that productive conversation
<br>[03:39] <SS2R> im going to go smoke :D
<br>[03:39] <Lexar> SS2R: your head would of esploded by now, you thought of it
<br>[03:39] <SS2R> maybe i should put on a hat?
<br>[03:40] <Lexar> *paradox*
<br>[03:40] <SS2R> HA
<br>[03:40] <SS2R> !
<br>[03:40] <Lexar> SS2R: 2 great minds think alike ;)
<br>[17:28] <Epic_Eric> SS2R: Nice backpack. Seems like you're missing crates 6 and 22 though
<br>[17:29] <Epic_Eric> Oh wait
<br>[17:29] <Epic_Eric> STOOPID
<br>[17:29] Epic_Eric hits his head on a wall
<br>[22:06] <MogDog66> WindPower voice yo' self
<br>[22:06] <SS2R> +vagoo
<br>[22:06] <WindPower> ~voice
<br>[22:06] == mode/#tfwiki [+v WindPower] by Spacenet
<br>[22:06] <HerrQueso> it seems "wynd" didn't highlighted him.
<br>[22:06] == mode/#tfwiki [+v WindPower] by ChanServ
<br>[22:06] <+WindPower> sbfkjdsngkd
<br>[22:06] <MogDog66> Bah!
<br>[22:06] <MogDog66> That was my once chance for WeeundPahwhurr
<br>[22:06] <HerrQueso> what a shame
<br>[22:06] <SS2R> brokenheart.png
<br>[22:07]  * MogDog66 sheds a single tear
<br>[22:07]  * SS2R gives one fuck.
<br>[22:07]  * MogDog66 cues sad violin music
<br>[22:07]  * SS2R cues ending scene from hulk
<br>[22:07] <MogDog66> This'll do http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EQ6eHeBrhM
<br>[04:31] <Nixshadow> It seems we've entered an endless recursion of time.
<br>[04:32] <+RJackson> D:
<br>[04:32] <+RJackson> This really isn't giving up
<br>[04:32] <+RJackson> still infinite-looping
<br>[04:32] <+RJackson> I guess it ends when my ram runs out :|
<br>[04:33] <Nixshadow> It seems we've entered an endless recursion of time.
<br>[02:00] <Nixshadow> Why did they have to make sonic adventures wrong DL
<br>[02:01] <Nixshadow> supposed to go into wind, but I jump into it by habit. if I jump into it I fall off the map
<br>[02:01] <Cructo> lo
<br>[02:01] <Cructo> lol
<br>[02:01] <Nixshadow> and then I just did it right, stepped backwards
<br>[02:01] <Nixshadow> Fell off the fucking map
<br>[02:01] <Nixshadow> Now Im down to 1 life :1
<br>[02:02] <T-Wayne> fail
<br>[02:02] <SS2R> you gonna die
<br>[02:02] <Cthulhu1992> totally gonna die
<br>[02:03] <Cructo> ^
<br>[02:03] <T-Wayne> so gonna die
<br>[02:03] <Nixshadow> so far so good D:
<br>[02:03] <Nixshadow> FUCK
<br>[02:03] <Nixshadow> spoke too soon
<br>[02:03] <Cthulhu1992> Told you
<br>[02:04] <Cthulhu1992> ;3
<br>[02:04] <SS2R> ded

Revision as of 20:22, 7 December 2011