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I built that.

Bygninger er maskiner som kan konstrueres av Engineer ved bruk av Byggeverktøyet. Disse bygningene inkluderer Sensorvåpen, Ladestasjon, og Teleporter.

Engineer ved siden av sin Ladestasjon


For å konstruere en bygning må Engineer først ha nok metall. Han kan deretter bruke Byggeverktøyet sitt for å velge en plassering for bygningen. Bygninger kan kun bli plassert på relativt flate overflater og må ha nok horisontal og vertikal plass for å fungere. Engineer kan rotere bygninger før de konstrueres (standard knapp: MUS2). Hver gang knappen trykkes snur bygningen seg 90° mot klokken. Når bygninger er plassert konstrueres de automatisk. Konstruksjonshastigheten kan nesten dobles ved å slå bygningen kontinuerlig med hvilken som helst Skiftenøkkel (med unntak av Aha-opplevelsen). Hvis flere Engineerspillere gjør dette samtidig øker effekten ytterligere, og ved å slå en bygning med Skrustikke øker konstruksjonshastigheten med 30%. Ladestasjoner og Teleportere tar dobbelt så lang tid å konstruere som Sensorvåpen. Når bygningen er ferdig konstruert vil den umiddelbart være funksjonell.

På samme måte som spillere har bygninger også helse og blir ødelagt når den når null. Helsen til en bygning øker fra null til maximalt under konstruksjon, så det er lettere å ødelegge en bygning som ikke er ferdig konstruert. Spillere kan fokusere siktet sitt på en bygning for å se dens nåværende helse på samme måte som med andre spillere, selv om skadede bygninger også viser visuelle tegn på skader sånn som røyk, gnister, og flammer. Bygninger er immune mot kritiske treff og minikrits i tillegg til avstandsbasert skadefrafall og skadeøkning, så med unntak av skade fra eksplosjonsradius vil bygninger alltid motta en konstant mengde skade fra alle avstander. Bygninger vil ikke aktivere noen "ved treff" eller "ved drap" effeter til våpen når de blir skadet eller ødelagt (med unntak av treff fra Enkemakeren).

Bygninger kan bli reparert, oppgradert, og (i tilfellet av Sensorvåpen) ladet om ved å slå dem med en Skiftenøkkel hvis brukeren har nok metall. Metallet prioriteres til reparasjon først, deretter ammunisjon, og til slutt oppgraderinger, men det er grenser for hvor mye metall som kan gå til hver oppgave ved hvert slag. Å oppgradere en bygning krever totalt 200 metall og øker helsen med 20% i tillegg til å forbedre egenskapene; bygninger kan bli oppgrader to ganger for å nå nivå 3. Sensorvåpen mottar skadebskyttelse mot primærvåpnene til Heavy når de oppgraderes, noe som reduserer skader påført av disse våpnene med 15% ved nivå 2 og 20% ved nivå 3.

Bygninger kan bli tatt ut av drift av Spys Sapper. Hvis en Sapper er puttet på en bygning vil den ummidelbart miste funksjonalitet og varsle eieren i tillegg til å bli tømt for helse. Sappere kan bli fjernet av alle Engineers nærvåpen eller av Pyros Brakmaker/Slegge/Neontorpedo, noe som gjøre bygningene funksjonelle igjen etter 0.5 sekunder. Bygninger kan ikke bli reparert, ladet om, oppgradert, eller ødelagt mens de blir sappet.

Bygninger kan bli nedgradert av Spies Byråkratisk opptaker. Bygninger med en opptaker festet på seg vil begynne å dekonstruere seg selv ved å gå gjennom sine oppgraderingsanimasjoner i revers før de går gjennom konstruksjonsprosessen i revers, noe som gjør at bygningen blir redusert til en verktøykasse. Prosessen foregår med halvparten av hastigheten til konstruksjon. Hvis opptakeren blir ødelagt vil bygningen gjenoppta vanlig konstruksjon, men alle tapte nivåer vil ikke ikke komme tilbake med mindre en oppgraderingsanimasjon var pågående.

Hvis Engineeren ønsker kan han ødelegge hvilken som helst av sine bygninger med sitt [Demolish Tool/no|Ødeleggelsesverktøy]]. Bygningen vil umiddelbart eksplodere som om en fiende ødela den. Bygningens deler kan bli plukket opp som ammunisjon og/eller bli gjenbrukt som metall. Bygninger som blir sappet kan ikke bli ødelagt. Engineerens bygninger kan ikke skades av hans andre våpen eller Sensorvåpen (i motsetning til Engineeren selv).

Bygninger fungerer normalt under vann, men Teleporterinnganger kan ikke teleportere spillere under vann, og Sensorvåpenet kan ikke se gjennom vannoverflaten i noen av retningene.

Under oppsett tiden i Mann vs. Maskin koster det ingenting å plassere bygninger, konstruksjonene fullføres umiddelbart til nivå 3, og Ladestasjoner er fullladet med en gang. Bruken av en Feltflaske for bygninger vil også umiddelbart gjøre om alle eksisterende bygninger til nivå 3, selv om de fortsatt er under konstruksjon. Engineers kan også oppgradere helsen og egenskapene til bygningene ved en Oppgraderingsstasjon.


Bygningstype Metallkostnad Helsepoeng Skrotmetall
når ødelagt
Konstruksjon Oppgradering Nivå 1 Nivå 2 Nivå 3
Sensorvåpen Standard 130 200 150 (450) 180 (212) (540) 216 (270) (648) 15 x 4 (60)
Combat Mini-Sentry Gun 100 Ugyldig 100 (300) Ugyldig 0 x 4 (0)
Ladestasjon 100 200 150 180 216 10 x 5 (50)
Teleport Inngang/Utgang 50 200 150 180 216 6.25 x 4 (25) Inngang
6.25 x 4 (25) Utgang

Bygningstype Byggetid (i sekunder)
Konstruksjonstid Konstruksjonstid + hastighetsøkning
WrenchGunslingerSouthern Hospitality
Konstruksjonstid + hastighetsøkning
Konstruksjonstid + hastighetsøkning
Eureka Effect
Omplassert Omplassert + hastighetsøkning
WrenchGunslingerSouthern Hospitality
Omplassert + hastighetsøkning
Omplassert + hastighetsøkning
Eureka Effect
Sensorvåpen Standard 10.5 4.2 3.75 6.0 3.5 2.333 2.1875 2.8 1.6
Combat Mini-Sentry Gun 4.2 2.625 2.442 3.231 2.333 1.75 1.667 2.0 Ugyldig
Ladestasjon 21.0 8.4 7.5 12.0 5.25 3.818 3.621 4.421 1.6
Teleport Inngang/Utgang 21.0 8.4 7.5 12.0 5.25 3.818 3.621 4.421 1.6

Konstruksjonshastighet = Standard Konstruksjonshastighet / (1 + Sum av all hastighetsøkning)

  • Standard Konstruksjonshastighet (Sensorvåpen): 10.5
  • Standard Konstruksjonshastighet (Ladestasjoner og Teleportere): Sensorvåpenshastighet x 2 = 21.0
  • Hastighetsøkning ved omplassering (Sensorvåpen): 2.0
  • Hastighetsøkning ved omplassering (Ladestasjoner og Teleportere): 3.0
  • Mini-sensorvåpen hastighetsøkning: 1.5
  • Hastighetsøkning for standard skiftenøkkel: 1.5
  • Hastighetsøkning for Skrustikke: 1.5 + 0.3 = 1.8
  • Hastighetsøkning for Aha-opplevelse: 1.5 / 2 = 0.75
  • Det første og andre slaget mot et standard sensorvåpen vil spare deg 1.5 sekunder, mens alle andre vil spare deg 1 sekund. På ladestasjoner, vil det første slage spare deg 2 sekunder og alle andre vil spare deg 1 sekund.

Tidene over antar at skiftenøkkelens hastighetsøkning er i konstant effekt. Siden byggeren ikke kan svinge med skiftenøkkelen til deres våpenbyttingsforsinkelse avsluttes, vil disse verdier være litt saktere i praksis. Alle ytterligere Engineerer tilfører deres egne personlige hastighetsøkning til formelen.


Bygningenes HUD er plassert i øvre venstre hjørne av skjærmen.
Hovedartikkel: Heads-up display

Bygningenes HUD gir raskt informasjon om Engineerens bygninger og mulige Sappere. Statusen til forskjellige aspekter ved bygningene indukeres med ikoner.

Ikon Beskrivelse
Building icon Kills.png Sensorvåpen: Antall drap, etterfulgt av antall medvirkninger i parentes.
Building icon Ammo.png Sensorvåpen: Prosent av gjenværende kuler.
Ladestasjon: Prosent av nåværende metallreserve.
Building icon Metal.png Alle bygninger: Prosent av oppgraderingssprosessen. (kun nivå 1 og 2)
Building icon Rockets.png Sensorvåpen: Prosent av gjenværende raketter. (kun nivå 3)
Building icon Teleports.png Teleporter Inngang: Prosent av oppladningsprogresjonen. Hvis fulladet viser den antall teleporterte spillere isteden.


Etterspørsel for å hale en bygning.
En Engineer som bærer en bygning.

Buildings can be packed up and moved by their owners by pressing the alternate fire button while looking at and standing next to them. This mechanic allows for redeployment without having to completely reconstruct the building, thus saving metal and time, and also preserving any score tallies a building may have. Packing up a building is instantaneous, and the Engineer will appear carrying the building's toolbox on his shoulder to all players, while from his first-person perspective he will still carry the toolbox as a normal building construction. Damaged buildings can be packed up, but buildings being sapped cannot. A building is capable of being hauled when a gray tab is displayed alongside the building's name on the interface (see right). In addition to an icon for the building and a hand, the tab also displays which key or mouse button alternate fire is currently bound to.

One building can be hauled at a time, and doing so will sensibly reduce the Engineer's speed to 90% (270v), regardless of type and/or level of the building. Additionally, the Engineer cannot switch to any weapon or item until the building is redeployed. It is still possible to use Teleporters (either his own or a friendly Engineer's) — unless, of course, the Engineer is attempting to use a Teleporter whilst the other end is being hauled.

If the Engineer is killed while he is hauling a building, the building is also destroyed, and the Engineer will drop a toolbox which will act like a large ammo crate if picked up. A special kill icon representing a toolbox will be shown alongside the Engineer's death.

Redeploying a building is similar to a normal construction, except that the building will construct itself at twice the normal rate (plus an additional 50% speed for Dispensers and Teleporters), and the Engineer can speed up the process even further. Higher level buildings will have to cycle through all their upgrade animations before becoming operative, and cannot be packed up again until ready. Damaged buildings retain their health at the moment they were packed; they cannot be repaired during redeployment unless they take damage during it, and even then they can only be repaired up to what health they had before being packed (until they are fully redeployed). Attempting to repair a building before it's fully redeployed will result in the metal supply being drained at the same rate it would if it was healing the building. On the other hand, when a redeploying building takes damage during the constructing stage, the building will automatically heal itself at a fixed rate that stops after the construction stage ends. In Mann vs. Machine, hauling does not slow the Engineer down and buildings redeploy themselves instantly.

The three phases of building redeployment (packing, hauling, and redeploying) are accompanied by specific responses.

The Rescue Ranger has the ability to haul buildings from any distance (provided a direct line of sight) at the cost of 100 metal; it also forces the Engineer to take mini-crits while hauling buildings, whether via the long-range pickup or not.


A building can be destroyed by its owner using the Demolish Tool or by an enemy attacking it with any weapon, or using the Sapper. A building can also be destroyed if an Engineer is carrying a building and a player kills the Engineer. A destruction is worth one point to the destroyer and is recorded on the player's scoreboard. A destruction cannot be assisted unless the building has been sapped (in which case the Spy who sapped it will get the assist) or the building has been destroyed while hauling (in which case the assister will be the same as the one of the Engineer's death).

Destruction points are not awarded to Engineers who destroy their own buildings. Furthermore, destructions do not count during the Setup Phase in terms of the scoreboard, though any other events (such as revenge crits) will trigger as usual. Should an Engineer decide to use the loadout screen to change his melee weapon to or from the Gunslinger, his Sentry Gun will be demolished the moment the new melee weapon becomes available (either by the Engineer respawning or touching a Resupply locker). All of an Engineer's buildings are demolished when a player switches from an Engineer to another class, from one team to another, or leaves the server.

When a building is destroyed by an enemy, the Engineer responds with one of three responses, alerting his nearby teammates.

Related achievements

Achieved.png General

Samle opp 10 drap med ett sensorvåpen.
Drep en fiende innen de fem første sekundene etter at du kommer ut av en teleport.

Leaderboard class scout.png Scout

Destroy 3 teleporter entrances.

If You Build It
If You Build It
Destroy 3 enemy buildings while they are still under construction.
Gun Down
Gun Down
Destroy an active sentry gun using your pistol.

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier

Engineer to Eternity
Engineer to Eternity
Kill an Engineer as he repairs his sentry gun while it's under enemy fire.
Guns of the Navar0wned
Guns of the Navar0wned
Kill 5 Engineer Sentry Guns while you are standing outside of their range.

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro

Destroy 50 Engineer buildings.
Ignite 5 Spies who have a sapper on a friendly building.

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman

Skyt i blinde
Skyt i blinde
Ødelegg en Engineer-bygning som du ikke kan se, med et direktetreff fra granatutskyteren.

Ødelegg 50 bygninger.

Nå sitter du i klisteret
Nå sitter du i klisteret
Drep en fiendtlig spiller med klisterbomber innen fem sekunder etter at de har teleportert.
Spynal Tap
Spynal Tap
Drep 20 spioner innen fem sekunder etter at de har plassert en Sapper på en alliert bygning.

Tam O'Splinter
Tam O'Splinter
Ødelegg fem av fiendens Engineer-bygninger i løpet av én enkelt superlading fra en Sanitet.

Skotskrutet terror
Skotskrutet terror
Spreng en Engineer, sensorvåpenet og ladestasjonen hans med én enkelt klisterbombedetonasjon.

Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy

Drep 20 fiender mens du lader opp på en ladestasjon.
Drep en fiende på de fem første sekundene etter at du kommer ut av en teleport.

Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer

Battle Rustler
Battle Rustler
Teleport 100 team members into battle.

Best Little Slaughterhouse in Texas
Best Little Slaughterhouse in Texas
Rack up 5000 kills with your Sentry Guns.

Breaking Morant
Breaking Morant
Kill 10 Snipers with a sentry gun under the control of your Wrangler.

Building Block
Building Block
Have a sentry shielded by the Wrangler absorb 500 damage without being destroyed.

Built to Last
Built to Last
Help a single building tank over 2000 damage without being destroyed.

Circle the Wagons
Circle the Wagons
Repair 50,000 damage to friendly buildings constructed by other players.

Death Metal
Death Metal
Pick up 10,000 waste metal from pieces of destroyed buildings.

Get 10 assists with another Engineer where a sentry gun was involved in the kill.

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
Have a dispenser heal three teammates at the same time.

Doc, Stock, and Barrel
Doc, Stock, and Barrel
Repair a sentry gun under fire while being healed by a Medic.

Drugstore Cowboy
Drugstore Cowboy
Have dispensers you created dispense a combined amount of 100,000 health over your career.

Fistful of Sappers
Fistful of Sappers
Destroy 25 sappers on buildings built by other team members.

Frontier Justice
Frontier Justice
Have your sentry kill the enemy that just killed you within 10 seconds.

Get Along!
Get Along!
Manage to get to, and then remove, a sapper placed on your building while you were several meters away.

How the Pests Was Gunned
How the Pests Was Gunned
Destroy 50 enemy stickybombs lying in range of friendly buildings.
If You Build It, They Will Die
If You Build It, They Will Die
Haul a level 3 sentry gun into a position that achieves a kill shortly after being redeployed.

Land Grab
Land Grab
Help a teammate construct a building.

No Man's Land
No Man's Land
Use a sentry gun to kill 25 enemy players that are capturing a point.

(Not So) Lonely Are the Brave
(Not So) Lonely Are the Brave
Keep a Heavy healed with your dispenser while he gains five kills.

Patent Protection
Patent Protection
Destroy an enemy Engineer's sentry gun with a sentry under control of your Wrangler.

Pownd on the Range
Pownd on the Range
Kill 10 enemies outside the normal sentry gun range using the Wrangler.

Rio Grind
Rio Grind
Perform 50 repairs and/or reloads on a Sentry gun being Wrangled by another Engineer.

Use a revenge crit to kill the enemy player that destroyed your sentry gun.

Search Engine
Search Engine
Kill 3 cloaked Spies with a sentry gun under control of your Wrangler.

Silent Pardner
Silent Pardner
Upgrade 50 buildings built by other team members.

The Extinguished Gentleman
The Extinguished Gentleman
Have dispensers you built extinguish 20 burning players.

Texas Ranger
Texas Ranger
Haul buildings 1 km over your career.

Texas Two-Step
Texas Two-Step
Use your shotgun to finish off an enemy recently damaged by your sentry gun.

Uncivil Engineer
Uncivil Engineer
Provide an enemy player with a freeze cam of you and the sentry that just killed them.

Leaderboard class medic.png Medic

Medical Breakthrough
Medical Breakthrough
Assist in destroying 5 enemy Engineer buildings with a single ÜberCharge on a Demoman.
Midwife Crisis
Midwife Crisis
Heal an Engineer as he repairs his sentry gun while it's under enemy fire.

Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper

Destroy 3 Engineer Sentry Guns.

Leaderboard class spy.png Spy

Constructus Interruptus
Constructus Interruptus
Kill an Engineer who is working on a sentry gun.

Joint Operation
Joint Operation
Sap an enemy Sentry Gun within 3 seconds of a teammate sapping another.

Sap Auteur
Sap Auteur
Destroy 1000 Engineer buildings with sappers.
Sap an enemy building, then backstab the Engineer who built it within 5 seconds.

The Man with the Broken Guns
The Man with the Broken Guns
Backstab an Engineer, then sap 3 of his buildings within 10 seconds.

Controlpoint.png Foundry

Erobre et kontrollpunkt innen 12 sekunder etter å ha brukt en teleporter.

Mvm navicon.png Mann vs. Machievements

Angre sletting
Angre sletting
I løpet av en bølge, bruk en feltflaske fylt med "Bygningsoppgradering" til å bygge et nytt sensorvåpen innen 3 sekunder etter at ditt forrige sensorvåpen ble ødelagt.
Et realt kupp
Et realt kupp
Som en Engineer, flykt av gårde med sensorvåpenet ditt i det en sensorjeger er i ferd med å eksplodere.

Update history

20 september 2007 Patch
  • Fixed Sentry muzzleflashes not drawing unless sentry was near the map origin.

26 september 2007 Patch

  • Fixed bug with placement of Teleporters that could result in players being unable to move.

5 oktober 2007 Patch

9 oktober 2007 Patch

  • Demomen grenades now collide with players and Engineer buildings after the first bounce, but still won't explode on contact.

25 oktober 2007 Patch

  • Engineer buildings now explode when the Engineer dies during sudden death.
  • Fixed scoring problem where destroying a buildable added a phantom point, not attributed to any scoring bucket but still included in total score
  • Fixed some edge cases where grenades could go through player or buildings
  • The Engineer's "build X" commands will now behave properly when bound directly to keys.

7 november 2007 Patch

  • Fixed a bug in scoring Engineer building destruction.
  • Engineers no longer earn points for using their own Teleporters.
  • Fixed exploit that allowed players to teleport with the intelligence.

21 november 2007 Patch

  • Fixed building bone merge cache from dormant entities. Fixes weapons in SourceTV attached to wrong bones

20 desember 2007 Patch

  • Sapped buildings now take slightly less damage from the Spy who sapped them.
  • Fixed the teleporter's player shaped particles not drawing.

14 februar 2008 Patch

  • Added server log entry for buildings destroyed by their owner.
  • Fixed Sentry Gun shadows being clipped.

28 februar 2008 Patch

  • [Udokumentert] Changed Engineer buildings to detonate when a player disconnects instead of blinking out.
  • [Udokumentert] Fixed Engineer being able to detonate buildings that are being sapped.
  • [Udokumentert] Fixed potential client crash for players being healed by a Medic or Dispenser.

29 april 2008 Patch (Gold Rush Update)

  • Teleporter effect no longer shows up on invisible or disguised Spies.
  • Fixed "times used" entry in Teleporters maxing out at 32.
  • Mapmakers can now place Engineer buildings directly into a map, with an option for them to be invulnerable.

11 desember 2008 Patch

  • Teleporters can now be upgraded to level three. It will recharge faster the higher level it is.
  • The Engineer's Dispensers can now be upgraded to level three. It will give out metal and heal faster as it is upgraded.

15 desember 2008 Patch

  • Added teleporter sounds for level 2 and 3 Teleporters.

28 januar 2009 Patch

  • Fixed teleporter entrance/exit effects being drawn when they don't have a matching teleporter entrance/exit.

24 februar 2009 Patch (Scout Update)

  • Added the sounds for upgraded Teleporters.

21 mai 2009 Patch (Sniper vs. Spy Update)

  • Spies can now use enemy Teleporters.

29 mai 2009 Patch

  • Fixed Spies not being telefragged when standing on an enemy teleporter exit with the Dead Ringer enabled.

23 juni 2009 Patch

  • Fixed Teleporters not being buildable in some places where they should be (such as within the pit at the end of Badwater Basin).

13 august 2009 Patch (Classless Update)

  • Fixed Sentry Guns firing at a fully cloaked Spy if they're still the closest target.
  • Engineers wrenching a teleporter will repair the other end as well, and remove Sappers from both if they exist.

31 august 2009 Patch

  • Fixed being able to burn buildings that are in the water while standing outside the water.
  • Fixed teleporting Spies getting stuck in enemy players standing on the exit.
  • Fixed server log not listing telefrag kills as weapon "telefrag".

28 april 2010 Patch

  • Killing yourself with your own Sentry Gun no longer increments the Sentry Gun's kill counter.

29 april 2010 Patch (119th Update)

  • Fixed Teleporters not reverting to level 1 when their other side is destroyed.
  • Fixed Teleporter exit using the wrong particle effect.

30 april 2010 Patch

  • Fixed the Engineer being able to build more than 1 of each type of building.

8 juli 2010 Patch (Engineer Update)

  • Engineers can now pickup & move their buildings.
  • Fixed a server crash related to carrying buildings.
  • 'Wrenching' a Sentry Gun now upgrades, repairs and restores ammunition all at once per Wrench hit, prioritizing repairs and upgrading if not in possession of enough metal.

9 juli 2010 Patch

  • Fixed an exploit that allowed Engineers to build level 2/3 mini Sentry Guns.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed sapped buildings to be picked up by the Engineer.
  • Fixed a bug where Wrangled level 3 Sentry Guns would still fire rockets when they were out of ammo.
  • Fixed a bug where players would go into reference poses when switching classes while carrying a building.
  • Engineers can no longer pick up buildings while stunned or in loser state.
  • Fixed an issue where Wrangled sentrygun effects wouldn't be attached to the sentrygun.
  • Fixed a server crash in the player death code, related to building carrying.

13 juli 2010 Patch

  • Fixed a server crash related to carrying buildings at round start.
  • Fixed players picking up buildings before a round has started.
  • Fixed an exploit where Engineers could create level 3 Mini-Sentry Guns.

19 juli 2010 Patch

  • Fixed a problem with not being able to pick-up buildings in Arena mode.
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed team kills with Wrangled Sentry Guns.
  • Fixed a bug where Teleporters could be given more than their normal amount of health.

8 oktober 2010 Patch

  • Fixed a Sentry Gun exploit that let Engineers build multiple Sentry Guns.
  • Fixed Engineers being able to build level 3 mini-Sentry Guns using the Wrangler.

19 oktober 2010 Patch

  • Fixed another Sentry Gun exploit that let Engineers build multiple Sentry Guns.
  • Fixed Engineers being able to build level 3 Mini-Sentry Guns using the Wrangler for real this time.

2 desember 2010 Patch

  • Fixed Engineers being able to destroy sapped buildings by issuing the command directly in the console.

10 januar 2011 Patch

  • Added the mini-sentry kill icon.

22 februar 2011 Patch

  • [Udokumentert] Several particle effects, including critical rockets, pipes, and stickies, were altered to appear brighter. These changes do not apply to ATi graphics card users and some others.

10 mars 2011 Patch

  • Fixed the Best Little Slaughterhouse in Texas achievement not counting Wrangler and Mini-Sentry kills.

17 april 2012 Patch

  • Fixed being able to place buildings in nobuild zones.

10 mai 2012 Patch

  • Fixed a bug that allowed buildings to be built in nobuild/respawn volumes.

17 oktober 2012 Patch

  • Fixed floating arrows on carried objects.

12 desember 2012 Patch

  • Fixed missing HUD sounds for Engineer building status panel.

22 februar 2013 Patch

  • Fixed buildings not always being downgraded at the same rate by the Red-Tape Recorder.

3 april 2013 Patch

  • Fixed buildings destroyed by the Red-Tape Recorder not always displaying a death notice.

7 januar 2015 Patch

15 januar 2015 Patch #1

  • Fixed being able to pick-up buildings while reloading the Panic Attack.

2 juli 2015 Patch (Gun Mettle Update)

  • Teleporters and Dispensers redeploy +50% faster (2.5x without Wrench boost, 5.5x with Wrench boost).
  • Building pick up speed penalty reduced from 25% to 10%.
  • Building repair costs increased from 20 metal to 33 metal to repair 100hp per Wrench hit (from 5HP per metal to 3HP per metal).
  • Level 2 and Level 3 Sentry Guns have less passive damage resistance against Heavy miniguns. Level 2 Sentry Minigun resistance changed from 20% to 15% and Level 3 Changed from 33% to 20%.

23 juli 2015 Patch

  • Fixed a case where buildings would not go active if they were sapped while being built.

7 juli 2016 Patch (Meet Your Match Update)

  • Level 1 Teleporters now cost 50 metal (previously 125).

28 juli 2016 Patch

  • Fixed Engineer teleporter exits sometimes detonating when used due to invisible geometry.

16 august 2016 Patch

  • Fixed a display issue with combat text damage numbers against Engineer buildings sometimes being incorrect (such as with weapons that do reduced damage against buildings).

14 september 2016 Patch

  • Fixed an exploit related to placing buildings outside of the playable space.

15 september 2016 Patch

  • Fixed regression that prevented valid building placements.

28 mars 2018 Patch #1

  • Fixed a case where Engineer buildings could be placed such that players would become stuck when exiting a teleporter (a.k.a. "teleporter trap").

March 28, 2018 Patch #2

  • Fixed the Engineer not being able to build after rotating the placement hologram.


  • A redeployed level 2 or level 3 Sentry Gun will attempt to target enemy players during the brief instant between reaching a level and starting the animation to upgrade to the next level. If the Sentry is directly facing an enemy, it may even be able to fire before the upgrade animation.
  • If an Engineer changes classes, his buildings simply vanish; this is inconsistent with the behavior of the Engineer changing his melee loadout, changing teams, or leaving the game, where his buildings are destroyed.
  • If a building is packed up while it takes damage, then redeployed, the building HUD may report it as damaged even after it is fully repaired.
  • When redeploying a level 2 or level 3 building that is damaged, hitting the building with the Wrench while it is in the upgrading animation stages of redeployment will use the metal supply but does not repair the building.
  • Buildings are not affected by gravity or physics; if the floor underneath a building is removed, the building will remain floating in the air, and moving platforms will pass through them.
  • Heavily damaged buildings may still show signs of being damaged (such as sparks and flames) that remain present even when the building is fully repaired. Hauling the building may remove them.
  • When a building is first upgraded to level 3, it spawns with 1 extra point of health, for a total of 217. When it is picked up and replaced, or rebuilt, it keeps this extra point of health. However, if it takes damage and is then repaired, it repairs to its base health, 216.
  • When connecting to a server, it may for a brief amount of time show the disposable sentry in the Build HUD from Mann Vs Machine.
  • If a Spy saps a building while it is upgrading to the next level, it will not actually disable the building. However, the Sapper will still damage the building and it can't be destroyed - the only way to remove the Sapper is to haul the building.
  • Losing connection while hauling a building may cause the building being unable to deploy.
  • Occasionally, buildings (excluding Dispensers) that have just been placed will appear fully assembled. Sentry Guns and Mini Sentry Guns will appear to not have any support holding it up while in this state. Teleporters will emit a sped up and higher pitch version of the teleporter idling noise while in this state after being picked up from an active state. This bug is much more likely to occur with jerky and fast mouse movements.

Unused content

  • The Repair Node was a building that was considered as an addition to the Engineer Update, but was scrapped during development.
  • The Mini-Dispenser is an unused building that was discovered from filename strings added in the 28 oktober 2015 Patch.


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