피로 물든 돈

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피로 물든 돈
만화 정보
공개일: 2014년 10월 14일
장수: 12장
만화가: makani
작가: Jay Pinkerton & Erik Wolpaw
채색: Maren Marmulla

피로 물든 돈은 2014년 10월 14일 스크림 포트리스 2014 당시에 같이 나온 만화입니다. 여기서는 메라즈무스가 악의 서커스 신"본조"의 카니발을 만들면서 벌어지는 일들을 다루고 있습니다.


At the beginning of the comic, Merasmus is seen beholding a statue of the evil circus god "Bonzo", claiming that carnivals were invented by the Ancient Sumerians for evil purposes. Soon after, it is revealed that the statue was built of wood, however Merasmus claims that he carved it from a meteorite of an "unknown origin". The comic then cuts to outside where a contractor by the name of Steve, accompanied by Merasmus, is trying to figure out why the statue does not work. Steve gives the classic "on/off" and "is it plugged in" responses. Steve then comments on the smell, which Merasmus claims to be the scent of "a thousand burning souls". Clearly doubtful, Steve asks if it is scented candles, and Merasmus concedes that he lied. Later, it is revealed that Merasmus forgot to build the carnival over an ancient burial site. Steve says fixing it would be expensive, and Merasmus explains that he does not have the money to fix it, having gone "twelve thousand deep to the Japanese Mafia" and then spending it all on an extremely large "test your strength" machine. However, Merasmus finds a loophole; the burial ground does not need to pre-exist, neither does it have to be beneath the carnival. In order to find a "buncha' idiots" to solve his "corpse problem", Merasmus goes to RED team's Halloween party where he is greeted by his old roommate, Soldier. Sniper, Scout, and Spy are seen in the background. Waving a raccoon bite-riddled hand, Soldier invites Merasmus inside, claiming they were just talking about killing him. The comic leaves off with text reading "Get ready for Scream Fortress VI".



  • All of the RED mercs, except one BLU Spy, appears on the cover page.
  • The Japanese Mafia mentioned in this comic most likely alludes to the Yakuza, a prominent organized crime syndicate in Japan.
    • You will also notice that Merasmus's right pinky finger is now missing and bandaged. This is a reference to Yubitsume, a Japanese ritual, almost exclusively performed by the Yakuza, where one would cut his/her own finger to be punished, to show apology or to pay off debt.
  • On Page 12, the book that Spy is holding reads "How To Beat a DNA Test".

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