Sonic Nova

From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 06:30, 11 December 2010 by Sonic Nova (talk | contribs) (Part 1 Complete, Created New Userbox Format)
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I am Sonic Nova, a Team Fortress 2 addict with a fluent hand. After much thought, I decided to take the initiative and support the community. The wiki supplied the most promising information outputting oportunities, so I joined. I have already contributed two article Freeze Tag and Skins, hopefully this information will prove beneficial. I hope to continue supporting the community from personal experience within Team Fortress 2.


Information Weaponry Hats and Misc
Steam tray.png This user has a Steam profile, which can be found here.
Earbuds.png This user loves rocking out with his Earbuds.
Backpack case.png This user has a Team Fortress 2 Backpack which can be found here.
Frying Pan.png This user owns the Frying Pan.
RED Ellis' Cap.png Has this user ever told you about the time he got Ellis' Cap?
Backpack pda destroy.png This user's TF2 stats can be found here
Golden Wrench IMG.png This user crafted away a lot of items for the Golden Wrench. Stoopid!
Item icon Alien Swarm Parasite.png This user has earned the Alien Swarm Parasite hat.