Burlas del Heavy

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< Heavy taunts
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El Heavy

Las burlas son animaciones especificas del personaje que se pueden activar manualmente en el juego. El Heavy tiene varias burlas, todas ellas enumeradas a continuación con sus líneas de voz correspondientes y una descripción de la animación. Esto no incluye las respuestas ni los comandos de voz.


Heavytaunt1.PNG Armas asociada Descripción
El Heavy levanta abraza con cariño su arma como si fuera un bebe y dice:
«¡Bien hecho!»
«¡Somos buen equipo!»


Heavytaunt2.PNG Armas asociada Descripción
El Heavy hace girar su escopeta con el dedo, hace el gesto de decapitar y dice:
«¡Todos estáis muertos!»
«¡Tu, sí, ! ¡Estás muerto!»
En ocasiones no dice nada.
Heavytaunt5.PNG Armas asociada Descripción
El Heavy engulle y suelta trozos de la boca, solo se le escucha masticar «NOM NOM NOM ...OM NOM». Una vez terminado su aperitivo, pronunciara una de sus respuestas especiales.

Cuerpo a cuerpo

Heavytaunt3.PNG Armas asociada DescripciónIcono de Muerte
Véase también: Confrontación

Con un movimiento de muñecas, el Heavy hace como que desenfunda una «pistola» y ejecuta su Confrontación al tiempo que grita:

«¡Bum! ¡Jaja!»
  • Killicon high noon.png
Heavytaunt4.PNG Armas asociada Descripción
Se escuchan dos «campanas de K.O» y el Heavy lanza cuatro ganchos al aire.



Taunt Bare Knuckle Beatdown.png Arma asociada Descripción
The Heavy punches the head and chest of a dummy with a picture of an enemy Scout, finishing off with an uppercut, which decapitates the dummy and sends the picture flying.


"Ah, ha ha!"
"Oh, yes."
"Come to Heavy!"
(liltingly) "Come to Heavy!"


"Take that!"
"-and this!"
"-and that!"
"-and this!"


"Heeyah uh!"


"Okay, enough."
"No more."
"We are done."
"Ahhh! Heha!"
"Little little man."
"You are no match for me!"
"Run home to momma!"
"I have squashed you like bug!"
"Do I smell soiled baby diaper?"
"Uh oh! I think someone soiled diaper!"
"You are dead. Not big surprise."
"Killing you is full time job now."

Taunt Boiling Point.png Arma asociada Descripción
El Heavy se encuentra junto a una mesa llena de comida, incluyendo una chuleta hirviendo en un robot de cocina Joule sous-vide, y lo vuelca todo; derramando toda la comida al suelo mientras que pilla la chuleta con su boca.


"Ah, ha ha!"
"Oh, yes."
"Ho ho ho ho ho!"
"Very nice!"
"Ha ha!"

Volcar la mesa

"Ha ha ha!"
"Good times!"
"Pow! Haha!"
Big laugh
"Heavy flip you!"


"Mmm! Mmm."

Efectos de sonido asociados

[agua hirviendo]
[volcar la mesa, comida callendo al suelo, el Heavy comiendo la chuleta]
[El timbre del robot de cocina Joule sous-vide]

Taunt Proletariat Posedown.png Arma asociada Descripción
El Heavy realiza una serie de poses.

El Heavy estira sus brazos hacia arriba mientras gruñe:


El Heavy aguanta su brazo izquierdo con su brazo derecho, mientras los sacude, enseñando lo fuertes que son:


El Heavy levanta albos brazos mientras enseña su espalda:


El Heavy farda de su fuerza cruzando sus brazos:


Taunt Road Rager.png Arma asociada Descripción
A miniature, gun-mounted military vehicle appears to the side of Heavy, as he does a flex gesture, enters the vehicle, and proceeds to drive it around.

Pressing MOUSE 1 makes the Heavy do a "throat-slicing" gesture and fire a few shots with the vehicle's gun (a purely cosmetic effect).

The player continuously moves forward during this taunt, only being able to turn left and right.


Big laugh
Big laugh 2
"Ahahaha! (Laughter)"
(Long laugh)
(Big laugh 3)
(Big laugh 4)

Entering the vehicle

"Here I come!"
"Run, cowards!"
"I am coming for YOU!"
"It's good time to run, cowards!"
"I'm coming for you!"
"Is good time to run, cowards!"

Firing the gun

(Maniacal laugh)
"Time to hide, cowards!"
"I am coming for YOU!"
"It's good time to run, cowards!"
"All of you are dead!"
"Is good time to run, cowards!"

Taunt russian arms race.png Arma asociada Descripción
El Heavy se tumba en el suelo y empieza a hacer flexiones.

Durante el ejercicio:

«Да.» («Dа», traducido a «Sí»)

Taunt Russian Rubdown.png Arma asociada Descripción
The Heavy pulls out the player's equipped primary weapon, and makes a short noise, stepping back with the gun, as though noticing an imperfection with the weapon; he then kneels down on the floor, takes out a large cloth, and begins to polish and praise the weapon. When finished, the Heavy puts away his cloth and stands back up proudly.


"Come here, baby."
"Come here, baby!"

Cleaning the weapon:

"Ahhh! Heha!"
"Ah, ha ha!"
"Mmm! Mmm."
"This is nice thing."
"Oh, yes."
"Heavy likes this one most."
"You make Heavy proud!"
"Who. Touched. My. Gun."
"Ha ha!"


"Very good!"
"Хорошо!" ("Horosho!", translated to "Great!")
"Is good!"
"We are done."
"Okay, enough."

Taunt soviet strongarm.png Arma asociada Descripción
El Heavy saca dos grandes pesas de campana y empieza a hacer una ejercicio.

Pulling out dumbbells:


Lifting the dumbbells:


Dropping the dumbbells:

"We are done."

Taunt Table Tantrum.png Arma asociada Descripción
El Heavy se encuentra junto a una mesa llena de comida, incluyendo una chuleta hirviendo en un cazo con agua, y lo vuelca todo; derramando toda la comida al suelo mientras que pilla la chuleta con su boca.


"Ah, ha ha!"
"Oh, yes."
"Ho ho ho ho ho!"
"Very nice!"
"Ha ha!"

Volcar la mesa

"Ha ha ha!"
"Good times!"
"Pow! Haha!"
Big laugh
"Heavy flip you!"


"Mmm! Mmm."

Efectos de sonido asociados

[agua hirviendo]
[volcar la mesa, comida callendo al suelo, el Heavy comiendo la chuleta]


Burstchester Heavy.png Arma asociada Descripción
El Heavy empezara mirando curiosamente y luego golpea enfadado al alíen dentro de su pecho, se limpia las manos al hacerlo.

Creature noises

[Long scream 1]
[Long scream 2]
[Happy scream 1]
[Happy scream 2]
[Growl 1]
[Growl 2]
[Growl 3]
[Growl 4]
[Growl 5]
[Growl 6]
[Growl 7]
[Growl 8]
[Growl 9]
[Growl 10]
[Snap 1]
[Snap 2]
[Snap 3]
[Snap 4]
[Snap 5]
[Snap 6]
[Snap 7]
[Snap 8]

Looking at monster

"I will kill you with bare hands!"
"Let us wrestle, little man!"
"Put up fists."
"You are no match for me!"
"I am coming for you, again!"
"Killing you is full time job now."
"So much blood!"
"Oh, Heavy does not feel right."
"Ah, ha ha!"

Wiping his hands

"Your luck runs out."
"This is just the beginning of the pain I will cause you."
"Huh! That is close!"
"Is not funny!"
"Next time I will crush you!"

Conga Heavy.png Arma asociada Descripción
El Heavy baila la conga al ritmo de la música latina, diciendo:

Al iniciar la conga:

"Keep dancing, babies!"
(liltingly) "Heavy is credit to conga line!"
"All of you are dancing babies!"
"Ha ho, con-ga!"
"Ha ho ho, conga!"
(singing) "Is conga time, babies!"

Al bailar la conga:

(singing) "Conga, conga, conga!"
"Heavy show you, ah ha ha!"
"Ha ha ha!"
"Ha ha ha!"

Heavy Director.png Arma asociada Descripción
El Heavy alza sus brazos y forma un cuadrado con sus dedos, imitando el lente de una cámara.

Fist Bump Heavy.png Arma asociada Descripción
The Heavy punches both fists against each other three times in quick succession before extending his right arm forward for someone to bump his fist.


While waiting, he looks to his sides and then moves his left arm in a calling manner while saying:

"Come on!"
"Come on!"
"Come to Heavy!"
"Heavy wants this!"

The Heavy then cracks his right hand's fingers before punching the other player's fist.


After a successful fist bump, he points at the other player with his open left hand with a hearty laugh.

Flippin Awesome Heavy.png Arma asociada Descripción
El Heavy se agacha e intercala sus dedos, formando una plataforma para ayudar a otro jugador a realizar una vuelta hacia atrás.

Preparing to flip

"Heavy flip you!"
"Heavy flip you."
"Is flip time!"
"Heavy flip baby!"
(liltingly) "Come to Heavy!"
"Come to Heavy!"
"Watch! One finger. Huh!"
"Watch! One finger."
"Watch this!"

Flipping another player

"Ha ha ha!"

Being flipped

"Uyah, ugh!"
"Ha ha! Oauh, ugh!"
"Nyuuuuh. Is not funny."
"Is not funny!"
"Is not funny."
"Nyuuh. Hehehuh, is not funny."

After flipping

"Ha ha! Daaaahh! Yeeees!"
"Ha ha! I am an animal!"
"Hah ha ha haaaah!"

Heavy highFiveSuccessFull.png Arma asociada Descripción
El Heavy choca los cinco.
He then opens his arms to the sides and tilts his head to the right, slaps the other player's hand, and bends forward while flexing his arms.

Kazotsky Kick Heavy.png Arma asociada Descripción
El Heavy dobla sus rodillas y ocasionalmente las separa.

Heavy Killer Joke.png Arma asociada Descripción
The Heavy plays a sting and an unchoked cymbal, hitting the cymbal so hard it loses balance and falls; he then flexes both arms while laughing.
Evil laugh
Evil laugh 2
Evil laugh 3
Evil laugh 4

Mannrobics Heavy.png Arma asociada Descripción
El Heavy hace ejercicios de aerobic con la opción de una animación especifica de clase.
"Ha ho, ha ha ha! Hoh, hoh, hoh! Ha ha! Hah haah! Yaa!"
"Oh ya! Da, da, da! Ya hah! Ho hah ya! Yah!"
"Ohhhh! Who is great? Ha ha ha! "
"Yo hoh! Ya toh ho! Ha ha, ha ha ha! Ha ha, ha ha ha! Hoh hoh!"
"Ho hoh! Ya hyeh ta! Yah ha ha ha, ha ha!"
"Ya ya ya ya! Da da da da!"
"Very much this! I also give this! Then I do this! Then Heavy is done! Hah!"
"Heavy does this move...then this move...then he does this...and Heavy is done!"
The player can freely move around, albeit slowly, during this taunt.

Heavy rock paper scissors.png Arma asociada Descripción
El Heavy comienza una intensa batalla de Piedra, Papel o Tijera.

Initiating a throw

"Rock. Paper. Scissors!"
"Let us play!"
"Who will throw with Heavy?"

Win (Condition-specific)

"Heavy crush scissors!"
"Ha hah!"
"Very good!"
"You lose!"
"Heavy wins!"
"Hah! Rock beats scissors!"
"Paper destroy little rock!"
"Hah ha"
"I beat you with rock!"
"I beat you with paper!"
"I beat you with scissors!"
"Ahhh hah!"
"Hyaaahh hah!"


"Next time I will crush you!"
"Ahhhh! Heavy hate losing!"
"Stupid, stupid game!"

Heavy Scaredy-cat!.png Arma asociada Descripción
The Heavy jumps in surprise, before screaming and slightly crouching down, shielding his face with both hands; after a moment, he stands upright and dusts himself off.


*Dying scream*
*Dying scream*
*Dying scream*
(screams) "Heavy cannot believe eyes!"

Regaining composure

"Is not funny!"
"Nyuuh. Hehehuh, is not funny."
"Okay, enough."
"Nyuuuuh. Is not funny."

Heavy taunt laugh.png Arma asociada Descripción
El Heavy lanza una bofetada y ríe con las manos tapando su cara.

Second Rate Sorcery Heavy.png Arma asociada Descripción
The Heavy takes out a staff with a skull on its top and a tag reading "99¢." He attempts to cast an Overheal spell with his left hand while kicking to the sides, failing to create anything but green sparkles. He then breaks the staff in half while groaning before returning to his original position.

Heavy Shred Alert taunt.png Arma asociada Descripción
El Heavy saca una guitarra y toca un solo de guitarra con llamas e iluminación tras é.

Skullcracker Heavy.png Arma asociada Descripción
El Heavy señala hacia su cabeza para luego chocarla con la cabeza de otro jugador.

Initiating a head butt

(liltingly) "IS HEAD-BUTT TIME!"
"Come on!"
"Come on!"
"Come on."
"Heavy wants this!"
"Come to Heavy!"
"We do this!"
"We do this."
"Come here, babies!"
"Come here, baby!"
"Come here, baby."
"We must do this!"
"We must do this."

Initiating a head butt

"Heeyah uh!"

After a head butt

"Ahhh! Heha!"

Square Dance Heavy.png Arma asociada Descripción
El Heavy baila una danza de 2 giros con otro jugador, diciendo:

Starting a dance

"Let us dance!"
"Is time to dance!"
"Is do-si-do!"
"You will dance!"
"Dance or I crush you!"
"Is do-si-do time!"

During the dance

(liltingly) "Do-si-do!"
"Do si do do!"
(singing) "Do do do, do si do!"
"Ha ha ha!"

Dance's end

"Ha ha, is nice!"
"Ha ha ha, is good hey!"
"Ha ha ha ha! Okay, enough."
"Okay, enough."
"Ha ha ha! No more."
"No more."
"We are done."

Victory Lap Heavy.png Arma asociada Descripción
The Heavy jumps into a team-colored bumper car. Pressing MOUSE1 makes him honk the car's horn. The player can freely move around, albeit slowly, during this taunt.

Heavy yetipunch.png Arma asociada Descripción
El Heavy golpea un Yeti hecho de cartón. A wooden cutout of a Yeti appears roaring in front of the Heavy. He rubs the palms of his hands against one another in anticipation, flexes his arms, puts both of his fists to his right side, and hits the cutout with them, destroying it. He then returns to his original position.

Cutout appears

[rugido 1]

Before punching the yeti


Cutout destroyed

[breaking wood]

Defeated roar

[roar 2]

Heavy yetismash.png Arma asociada Descripción
El Heavy se golpea en el pecho antes de golpear el suelo, como si fuera el Yeti

Yeti transformation

[snow falling, loud roar]
[landing from jump]
[short roar]
[long roar 1]
[chest hit 1]
[chest hit 2]
[chest hit 3]
[chest hit 4]
[chest hit 5]
[chest hit 6]
[chest hit 7]
[chest hit 8]
[chest hit 9]
[long roar 2]
[slamming the ground]

After turning back

"Heavy doesn't feel right!"
"Hoh, something is different."
"Ugh, Heavy hate magic."
"Ahahaha!" (laughter)

Zoomin' Broom Heavy.png Arma asociada Descripción
El Heavy saca una escoba de bruja y procede a montarse en ella y levitar sobre el suelo.


Neck Snap Heavy.png Arma asociada Descripción
The Heavy points to himself with his right thumb, then shrugs with a short laugh, and approaches the Soldier, placing both plams together as his head is grabbed. When the Soldier snaps his neck, his head turns 90°, elicing a pained grunt. Heavy then pulls his head back in place with his right hand, with a vigorous exertion, before giving the Soldier a thumbs up, and thanking him.


Heavy taunt halloween.png Objetos equipables asociados Descripción
El Heavy alza sus brazos en forma amenazadora mientras hace un grito aterrador.

Sin Uso

Heavy show1.png Arma asociada Descripción
Ninguna El Heavy levanta la pierna y después muestra algo fanfarroneando.

Historial de Actualización

Parche del 19 de agosto de 2008 (Actualización del Heavy)
  • [Sin documentar] La burla de Confrontación se convierte en una burla que mata.
  • [Sin documentar] Una nueva burla es agregada para los Kañoneros Guantes de Boxeo.

Parche del 15 de septiembre de 2009

  • Ahora al comerse un Focata usando la burla, restaurará la totalidad de la salud del Heavy.

Parche del 14 de octubre de 2009

  • Arreglado el problema que permitía empezar a comerse el Focata (via burla) y lanzarlo en la misma animación.

Parche del 7 de diciembre de 2009

  • Se ha arreglado un error que provocaba que los puños del Heavy no se mostraban al hacer una burla.

Parche del 30 de septiembre de 2010

  • [Sin documentar] Añadida la burla "Esos cinco" sin uso.

Parche del 6 de octubre de 2010

  • Los Guantes de Rapidez Ultraterrena usan la misma burla que los Kañeros Guantes de Boxeo.

Parche del 5 de mayo de 2011 ( Actualización de Replay)

  • [Sin documentar] Se ha agregado una burla sin usar llamada "show1".

Parche del 8 de junio de 2011

  • [Sin documentar] Se ha agregado una burla sin usar llamada "risa".


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