Topic on User talk:Yellow Devil

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GrampaSwood (talkcontribs)
Yellow Devil (talkcontribs)


Yellow Devil (talkcontribs)

and, he is my friends.

GrampaSwood (talkcontribs)

There's no way to tell if he is your friend or not, next time it would be better if you just sent to him what he should put on his user page and have him edit the page.
GrampaSwood (talk) 11:16, 27 November 2020 (UTC)

Yellow Devil (talkcontribs)
Yellow Devil (talkcontribs)

He's not good at editing. That's why I helped.

Yellow Devil (talkcontribs)

Please... i'm not trying to abuse his user files, and not trying to make it mine.

Joeun (talkcontribs)

I'll take care of him, GS.

황악님, 개인 페이지는 자신만 수정해야 한다는 원칙이 있어서 저 친구가 그렇게 얘기한 거에요. 이 원칙은 설령 도와주는 것이라 하더라도 여지없이 적용됩니다. 개인 페이지는 꼭 본인이 편집해야 하거든요. 도와주려는 자세는 보기 좋네요 ㅎㅎ

Yellow Devil (talkcontribs)

아... 알겠어요 그... 제이든님이 C 언어를 잘 다루지 못했고, 제가 스팀 페이지에 제이든님 페이지를 만들어도 되냐고 물어봤는데 허락해서 만든겁니다. 증거도 보내줄 수 있어요! (oh... okay. Jayden is give permission to make Jayden's user page to steam mesages.)

Joeun (talkcontribs)

괜찮아요, 앞으로 안그러면 되는거죠 뭐 ㅎㅎ

크게 잘못한 일도 아니니까 신경쓰지 마세요 :)