Beggar's Bazooka/ro

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What is better than killing a man with a highly explosive high velocity projectile launcher? Killing a man with a highly explosive high velocity projectile launcher that YOU HAVE MADE!
Beggar's Bazooka publicity blurb

The Beggar's Bazooka (also known simply as Beggar's) is a community-created primary weapon for the Soldier. It is a crude, jerry-rigged rocket launcher made from flanged pipes, mismatched handles (with the back handle being the handle of a flashlight), and a filter held together with bolts, electrical tape, and various straps and belts. A metallic funnel is attached to the end as a makeshift exhaust port and a bent, metal rod attached at the front serves as a makeshift sight.

The Beggar's Bazooka starts with 0 rounds in its clip. Upon pressing and holding down primary fire (tasta standard: MOUSE1), the Soldier begins loading rockets into the front of the launcher, and continues to do so as long as primary fire is held down. While loading rockets or having any rockets loaded, the user cannot switch weapons. Upon releasing, the Soldier fires all stored rockets in quick succession, a firing speed 233% faster than the regular Rocket Launcher, and each rocket is fired with a maximum spread of 3 degrees. However, the rockets have a 20% smaller blast radius and reload slower then the standard Rocket Launcher. Up to three rockets can be loaded and fired in this fashion. If the player attempts to load a fourth rocket, the weapon misfires and causes one of the loaded rockets to explode, heavily damaging the Soldier and any enemies around him. The player can continue to load rockets, producing misfires until the weapon is unloaded. Misfires can be used for powerful rocket jumps, due to the Bazooka's largely damaging explosion occurring very near to the player. If the player has no ammo in reserve, the Soldier still attempts to load rockets and misfires loaded rockets.

While not listed in the description, the time it takes for the Beggar's Bazooka to reload a single rocket and fire is about 33% faster than the stock Rocket Launcher. This is due to the significantly shorter attack interval time.

A Soldier who wishes to collect Beggar's Bazooka ammo from a Dispenser (including Payload carts) must first switch to a different weapon.

The Beggar's Bazooka was contributed to the Steam Workshop.

Damage and function times

Vezi și: Pagube
Pagube si viteză
Tipul atacului Projectile
Tipul pagubei Explosive
Pagubă la distanță sau apropiată? Ranged
Pagube maxime 125% 112
Pagube de bază 100% 90
Distanța maximă 52.8% 48
Distanță minimă 105-112
Distanță medie 50-90
Distanță mare 24-48
Critice 270
Minicritic 122-151
Pagubele exploziei
Pagubele minime ale exploziei 50% 2.2 meters
Scăderea pagubelor 1% / 2.33
Pagube sinelui 27-89 / 90
Pagube sineului (săritul cu rachete) 27-46
Durata funcționării
Intervalul de atac 0.24 s
Reîncărcare (prima) 1.196 s
Reîncărcare (consecutiv) 1.04 s
Valorile sunt aproximate și determinate prin testele comunității.

Item set

Articol principal: Seturi de obiecte
Dumpster Diver
Item icon Dumpster Diver Bundle.png

Fără efect



Vezi și: Crafting


Reclaimed Metal Direct Hit Beggar's Bazooka
Item icon Reclaimed Metal.png + Item icon Direct Hit.pngx3 = Item icon Beggar's Bazooka.png
Class Token - Soldier Slot Token - Primary Scrap Metal Rezultate posibile
Item icon Class Token - Soldier.png + Item icon Slot Token - Primary.png + Item icon Scrap Metal.png =
Item icon Direct Hit.png Item icon Black Box.png Item icon Rocket Jumper.png Item icon Liberty Launcher.png
Item icon Cow Mangler 5000.png Item icon Original.png Item icon Beggar's Bazooka.png Item icon Air Strike.png
Item icon Panic Attack.png

As a crafting ingredient

Reclaimed Metal Beggar's Bazooka Gunboats Air Strike
Item icon Reclaimed Metal.png + Item icon Beggar's Bazooka.png + Item icon Gunboats.png = Item icon Air Strike.png

Strange variant

Related achievements

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier

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Update history

Patch-ul din 27 iunie 2012 (Pyromania Update)
  • The Beggar's Bazooka was added to the game.

Patch-ul din 28 iunie 2012

  • Fixed exploit that allowed Beggar's Bazooka to indefinitely hold rockets in the chamber without misfiring.

Patch-ul din 5 iulie 2012

  • Fixed the Beggar's Bazooka exploding on random targets in the world when overloading.
  • Added recoil forces for the Beggar's Bazooka.

Patch-ul din 20 iulie 2012

  • Fixed the Beggar's Bazooka misfiring with 100% crits after firing a crit rocket.

Patch-ul din 27 septembrie 2012

  • [Nedocumentat] Adjusted the size and location of the kill icon for the Beggar's Bazooka.

Patch-ul din 12 martie 2013

  • [Nedocumentat] Added Strange quality.

Patch-ul din 10 iulie 2013

  • Fixed an exploit that allowed players to hold a set fixed number of rockets (reload cancelling).
  • Changed attribute:
    • Misfired Rockets now remove one loaded rocket from the clip.

Patch-ul din 12 noiembrie 2013

Patch-ul din 20 decembrie 2013

  • The Beggar's Bazooka has been updated to use the same taunt as the Direct Hit.

Patch-ul din 7 februarie 2014

  • Changed attribute:
    • Changed penalty No primary ammo from Dispensers to no primary ammo from Dispensers when active.

Patch-ul din 18 iunie 2014 (Love & War Update)

  • [Nedocumentat] Fixed the reload of Soldier primary weapons to show rockets in first person.

Patch-ul din 17 decembrie 2015 (Tough Break Update)

  • Changed attribute:
    • Decreased blast radius by 20%.

Patch-ul din 28 martie 2018 #1

  • Fixed being able to load the Beggar's Bazooka with rockets and then spam the inspect key to hold the loaded rockets until ready to fire them.


  • Rockets occasionally hang stationary in the air until a player runs into it.
  • Tapping the primary fire button may cause the shot to not play the firing sound.
  • If the player keeps holding the primary fire after losing, the Soldier keeps loading, then misfires during Humiliation, potentially killing players of the winning team.
  • Taunting after loading a rocket does not release the rockets from the player's weapon clip. Additionally, toggle taunts store the rockets in the same way; they are released if the taunt ends or is cancelled.



See also

External links