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[[Image:Trading parcel.png|right]]
'''交易系統'''是一個在遊戲裡的系統之一,在[[Mann-Conomy Update/zh-hant|曼恩企業更新]]裡首次推出,讓玩家可以互相用此系統來交換[[weapons/zh-hant|武器]]、[[hats/zh-hant|帽子]]、[[Miscellaneous items/zh-hant|其他物品]]和[[tool/zh-hant|工具]],以取得他們所想要的物品。  
'''交易系統'''是一個在遊戲裡的系統之一,在[[Mann-Conomy Update/zh-hant|曼恩企業更新]]裡首次推出,讓玩家可以互相用此系統來交換[[weapons/zh-hant|武器]]、[[hats/zh-hant|帽子]]、[[Miscellaneous items/zh-hant|其他物品]]和[[tool/zh-hant|工具]],以取得他們所想要的物品。  
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[[File:Trading Screen Mann-Conomy1.png|thumb|300px|交易畫面,圖中是交易過程的範例。]]
[[File:Trading Screen Mann-Conomy1.png|thumb|300px|交易畫面,圖中是交易過程的範例。]]
[[File:Trading Screen Mann-Conomy3.png|thumb|300px|成功交易後]]
* 在一次的交易中,兩方玩家只能從[[backpack/zh-hant|背包]]中拿出進 8 個物品來做交易。玩家本身的交易欄會顯示在螢幕的右上方,螢幕的左側是玩家本身的背包,可以從裡面選擇一項要交易的物品,並拖拉到自己的交易欄裡面。至於對方的交易欄則會在右下方。同時,每一格物品會顯示出它的[[Quality/zh-hant|屬性]]顏色。
* 兩邊玩家可以在螢幕左下方(背包欄的下方)的聊天欄位,互相交涉交易的細節。聊天欄同時也會顯示出放上物品的原始名稱和屬性,和小心詐騙的通知。
* 當兩方交涉完成,同意交易之後,兩人都得要在「準備交易」的框格中打勾才能進行。如果這時有哪一方玩家改變要交易的物品,打勾就會消失,而兩方玩家得要再打勾一次才行。當兩方都打勾後,玩家就可以按下「現在交易」的按鈕來完成這次交易,交易到的物品會顯示在自己的螢幕上。
* [[Account types/zh-hant|免費]]帳號的玩家不能在交易中提供任何東西,只有[[Account types/zh-hant|付費]]帳號的玩家才行。
=== 聲音提示 ===
=== 聲音提示 ===
== Steam 交易 ==
[[File:Steam Item Trading.png|Steam Trading Beta|thumb|250px|Steam 交易畫面。]]
'''Steam 交易(Steam Trading)'''是一個在2011年8月9日於公測版中登場的新功能。有接受測試 [[Steam]] 交易測試的玩家不僅可以先使用交易功能,還可以將自己的朋友選單分類到自訂的不同群組。<ref>[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=6202 Steam Trading: Out of Beta and available to everyone! - TF2 Team]</ref>測試版的功能在2011年9月6日實裝到 Steam 正式版上。有了 Steam 交易之後,玩家可以用他們在遊戲中得到的物品,去交易其他遊戲中的物品,甚至是以送禮樣式交易的任何 Steam 平台遊戲。交易的要求可以從 Steam 內建的聊天室窗、或是從朋友選單中送出。
=== 特色 ===
* At first, the Steam Trading window shows only 8 slots to trade, when the 3rd slot on the last line is filled, more slots will appear. This allows for up to 256 items to be traded at once, eliminating the need for successive trading.
* Items can also be searched for by using the search tool, making trades quicker and easier to conduct. As with the in-game trading menu, a chat box is also available and items are color-coded according to rarity.
* Once a trade is made, any received items are placed into the user's in-game Backpack and Steam Inventory, ready to be used.
* Items from other games can also be traded by clicking the inventory drop down menu and choosing a supported game's inventory. The current inventories available are ''Portal 2'', ''Team Fortress 2'', ''Spiral Knights'' and Steam gifts (games bought but not yet redeemed).
== 交易注意事項 ==
[[File:qualitycolors.jpg|thumb|300px|When trading for a [[Strange]] or [[Unusual]] item, look out for the quality colors to avoid being scammed.This example shows a [[Unique]] [[Garlic Flank Stake]] and a strange [[Gloves of Running Urgently]]]]
*Pay attention to the quality of the items being offered.
*Always review the items being traded before finishing the trade.
*Trades should be conducted without any pressure; don't give into another player's pressure if they're urging you into a trade you do not want to be in.
*If you feel that you are offering too much, ask a friend or another player. Many trade servers also offer "price guides" to give an idea on the value of items being traded (though these are often subjective).
*Remember that the order that items appear in Steam Trading is not the same order that they appear in your Backpack. In Steam Trading, inventory items appear in the order in which you obtained them. This can be confusing if you own more than one of a particular item. Be sure to preview items by hovering over them in the inventory or trading boxes to make sure you are adding the correct ones. Also note that the inventory ordering (left to right = oldest to newest) also applies to items filtered using the search field.
*Always respect the player you are trading with. Being polite, courteous and honest are very important aspects of trading.
*Avoid trades in-game that involve more than eight items or are split up into separate trades; use Steam Trading to trade more than eight items at a time. For example, if you were selling an item for 19 Refined Metal, a scammer could give you eight Refined Metal for the item in the first trade and then not engage in additional trades for the rest of the items.
*Be aware of renamed items, as a scammer could rename a common item as a rare item ( a Unique Pyro's Beanie made to look like an Unusual Pyro's Beanie for example). The chat box will show notifications about renamed items to help avoid confusion and scams.
*Check if the items you receive in the trade are craftable. After the [[October 13, 2011 Patch]], the items brought from the store will not be able to be crafted. But they can be traded.
== 不能交易的物品 ==
*'''多次交易買賣:''' 要交易的物品超過8個以上,必須要分兩次交易的買賣是有風險的,最好避免這種交易發生。沒有人敢保證其他的交易者在交易完第一次的交易後,會不會一溜煙的消失。
=== 永久 ===
*'''外界的交易:''' 用遊戲中的物品來交易金錢和/或 Steam 裡的遊戲是非常危險的,而且不符合 Steam 的服務條款。
{{Item tradability list}}
* All items in the game are tradable with the exception of the items above and [[Achievement weapons#Unlocked weapons|achievement milestone weapons]]. If metal is crafted using any achievement weapon, it becomes untradable. Anything crafted using untradable items also becomes untradable. However, most of the above items are [[Gift Wrap|gift-wrappable]], providing a way to trade normally un-tradable items.
*'''隔眼帶跑:''' 由多個共犯一起策劃一個共同計劃(最有可能有兩個)。主要的共犯宣稱將提供「貴重的物品」來和受害者交換他們想要的「某樣物品」(通常價值較低),但當時受害者並無那個「某樣物品」。這時另一個共犯出現在受害者前,願意提供那個「某樣物品」來和受害者交換。受害者思及利益,會把較佳的物品與第二共犯進行交易來獲取。就在交易完成之時主要的共犯會消失在受害者面前,第二共犯也帶著「較佳的物品」揚長而去。最後受害者只留下較沒價值的「某樣物品」。因此,如果交易好到太不真實的話,絕對不要輕信。
* All items purchased from the [[Mann Co. Store]] cannot be used in crafting. With the Manniversary Update any item purchased from the [[Mann Co. Store]] will become tradable after a few days. [[Item Quality #Self-Made Items|Self-Made]], [[Item Quality #Community Items|Community]], and [[Item Quality #Valve Items|Valve]] are also untradable and uncraftable.
*'''打開箱子服務:''' 有些使用者可能會提供一種服務來開你的箱子,在回去告訴你那裡面的物品之後,會要求你拿一個物品來交換。要知道,既然你同意要去交易,他們是不會抱著感激的態度來回報從箱子開到的任何物品給你。
*'''競賽抽獎活動:''' 這些活動通常是由玩家給予一些低價值的物品,如廢金屬等等,以加入一個抽獎,有機會可以贏得高價值的物品,如帽子等等。但是沒有方法來保證這場活動是以公平來進行的,在所有的可能性當中,“隨機的贏家“就是在這場詐欺活動當中。這種詐欺的另一個結果則是創辦這場活動的主辦人,也就是說一個人收取所有參加這活動所要繳納的物品費用後,可以簡單地帶著他們已經收集完的低等物品之後一走了之。
=== 暫時 ===
*'''偽造中間人:''' 一項計劃由兩人執行,其中一個人提供了一些超過允許的交易框的多樣物品。當有人接受他們的交易價格後,詐騙者會提供一個中間人,來確保受害者能夠得到他要的物品。當詐騙者的幫兇(即為中間人)接收了受害者的物品之後,他便輕易的離開那個伺服器。
* As of the [[Manniversary Update & Sale]], all items (including weapons and tools) that are bought in the [[Mann Co. Store]] are untradable for two days. Afterwards, they become tradable like other normal items.
* Additionally, items that are awarded in [[Item quality #Genuine items|Genuine quality]] for pre-ordering a game on Steam are initially untradable, but generally become tradable once the game is released.
; "乾淨的"物品 : 指[[hats/zh-hant|帽子]]、[[weapons/zh-hant|武器]]和[[Miscellaneous items/zh-hant|其他物品]]然而並沒有被包裝以獲得“從誰誰誰贈送“的文本。他們是可以直接用在交易過程上(在沒有使用的禮物包裝的情況下)。他們通常也可以拿來合成(除了少數的例外)。
== Update history ==
; "骯髒的"物品 : 相對於“乾淨“的物品,這些都是不能直接拿來交易的(如[[Mann Co. Cap/zh-hant|Mann Co. 鴨舌帽]])和最後也是不能拿去合成的。物品已經有包裝過或從[[Mann Co. Store/zh-hant|曼恩公司商店]]裡購買的都不能拿來交易,也不能合成。
{{Update history|
; "箱中帽子" : 這些帽子是用[[Mann Co. Supply Crate Key/zh-hant|Mann Co. 補給箱金鑰]]來解開[[Mann Co. Supply Crate/zh-hant|Mann Co. 補給箱]]上面的大鎖獲得的(附註: [[Quality/zh-hant#Unusual hats|異常帽子]]是不視為這一類別的,雖然也是起源於補給箱內)。無論是合成或經由[[item drop system/zh-hant|物品掉落系統]]發現的帽子,它仍然會被認為是一個“箱中帽子“,因為它是一個可以從補給箱裡面得到的。因此,它的價值在交易商人的雙眼來尋求以獲得其利潤之中,是嚴重貶值的。
'''[[September 30, 2010 Patch]]''' ([[Mann-Conomy Update]])
; "好處" : 好處是額外的非特定物品,通常是加入進一個交易的談判中,在當另一方覺得其交易價值是明顯不同相對於其他的物品時,才會加進一些物品以補足其的交易價值。添加好處的目標通常是為了交易所提供的額外獎勵,儘管在原本的物品(們)的價值中是被認為有所差異的。所包含的好處,但是不限於,油漆、描述標籤、名稱標籤、金屬、或在某些情況下,甚至是頂帽子。
* Added trading system.
; "提高品質/降低品質" : 一種術語,用來描述交易一個復古物品為了相對應的非復古物品在另加一些額外的材料,或著反之亦然。在某些情況下,也可以用來描述來換取相同,但不同等級的物品,不過是要達到特定等級的物品。
'''[[October 6, 2010 Patch]]'''
{| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed" width="60%"
* The Trading dialog now starts with the chat window having focus.
! class="header" | 術語
* Gifted items are now craftable and tradable.
! class="header" | 意思
* Community, Self-Made, and Valve items are not tradable or usable in crafting.
! Baker
| [[Ye Olde Baker Boy/zh-hant|老式報童帽]]
! Bald Engi
| [[Texas Slim's Dome Shine/zh-hant|德州瘦子三分頭]]
! Beret
| [[Frenchman's Beret/zh-hant|法國貝雷帽]]
! BP
| [[items/zh-hant#Backpack|背包]]
! Beak
| [[Blighted Beak/zh-hant|枯萎鷹鉤鼻]]
! Bonnet
| [[Glengarry Bonnet/zh-hant|蘇格蘭無簷帽]] or [[Scotch Bonnet/zh-hant|蘇格蘭防爆頭盔]]
! Buds
| [[Earbuds/zh-hant|耳機]]
! C+D
| [[Cloak and Dagger/zh-hant|隱身匕首]]
! CaC
| [[Crit-a-Cola/zh-hant|爆擊可樂]]
! Crown
| [[Prince Tavish's Crown/zh-hant|Tavish王子的皇冠]]
! Dappers
| [[Dr's Dapper Topper/zh-hant|Dr.Seuss的高塔帽]]
! Demo Glasses
| [[Dangeresque, Too?/zh-hant|超危險偵探的太陽眼鏡...嗎?]]
! FaN
| [[Force-A-Nature/zh-hant|自然之力]]
! Glove
| [[Respectless Rubber Glove/zh-hant|邋遢的橡膠手套]]
! Heavy Hair/hair
| [[Coupe D'isaster/zh-hant|災難一擊]]
! Hatless
| [[Baseball Bill's Sports Shine/zh-hant|棒球比爾的髮膠頭]]/[[Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixative/zh-hant|Ritzy Rick的後梳頭]]/[[Texas Slim's Dome Shine/zh-hant|德州瘦子三分頭]]
| [[Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect/zh-hant|無可否認的財富之帽]]
! Juju
| [[Voodoo Juju/zh-hant|巫毒符咒]]
! Jumper
| [[Rocket Jumper/zh-hant|火箭跳躍者]]或[[Sticky Jumper/zh-hant|黏彈跳躍者]]
! KF set
| [[Foster's Facade/zh-hant|Foster的面罩]]、[[Stockbroker's Scarf/zh-hant|證券經紀人的領帶]]
! LF
| 尋找
! Lid
| [[Lumbricus Lid/zh-hant|百戰天蟲鋼盔]]
! Max set
| [[Max's Severed Head/zh-hant|麥斯兔子頭]]、[[Lugermorph/zh-hant|魯格變形式]]、和[[Big Kill/zh-hant|大屠殺]]
! Medic mask
| [[Physician's Procedure Mask/zh-hant|外科手術口罩]]
! Merry
| [[Vintage Merryweather/zh-hant|羅馬戰盔]]
! Meat/Steak
| [[Buffalo Steak Sandvich/zh-hant|水牛肉排]]
! Medal
| [[Gentle Manne's Service Medal/zh-hant|紳士服務獎章]]
! Mirror
| [[Otolaryngologist's Mirror/zh-hant|醫師診療鏡]]
! MNC Set/Items
| [[Athletic Supporter/zh-hant|Athletic Supporter]]、[[Essential Accessories/zh-hant|Essential Accessories]]、和[[Superfan/zh-hant|Superfan]]
! Modest
| [[Modest Pile of Hat/zh-hant|小灰帽]]
! Pan
| [[Frying Pan/zh-hant|油炸平底鍋]]
! Pimp hat
| [[Hustler's Hallmark/zh-hant|浪子招牌帽]]
! Promo
| 任何促銷的物品 (例如[[Max's Severed Head/zh-hant|麥斯兔子頭]])
! Plunger
| [[Handyman's Handle/zh-hant|清潔工的通通樂]]
! Pot
| [[Stainless Pot/zh-hant|不鏽鋼平底鍋]]
! nfs
| 沒有要販售
! nv.
| 無復古的、即[[Quality/zh-hant#Unique|獨特的]]
! u.
! Rack
| [[Exquisite Rack/zh-hant|精緻馴鹿角]]
! Rag
| [[Heavy Duty Rag/zh-hant|重裝任務頭巾]]
! Ref
| 在[[Crafting/zh-hant|合成系統]]做出的精煉金屬
! Rec
| 在[[Crafting/zh-hant|合成系統]]做出的回收金屬
! RIFT Set/Items
| [[Sun-on-a-Stick/zh-hant|太陽之杖]]、[[Sharpened Volcano Fragment/zh-hant|削尖的火山斷片斧]]
! Set hat
| 任何的[[Item sets/zh-hant#Polycount sets|Polycount 套裝]]帽子
! Skull
| [[Spine-Chilling Skull/zh-hant|毛骨悚然的骷髏頭]]
! Slug/Brain Slug
| [[Triboniophorus Tyrannus/zh-hant|小精靈頭飾]]
! SnS
| [[Safe'n'Sound/zh-hant|安全聲機]]
! Sombrero
| [[Old Guadalajara/zh-hant|墨西哥寬邊帽]]
! Tree
| [[A Rather Festive Tree/zh-hant|相當歡樂的聖誕樹]]
| [[Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker/zh-hant|異常版:連馬都沒有的無頭騎士斬首斧]]
! Umbrella
| [[Hard Counter/zh-hant|硬漢保護傘]]
! Unusual Metal
| [[Unusual Haunted Metal Scrap/zh-hant|異常鬧鬼的廢金屬]]
! Visor
| [[Dealer's Visor/zh-hant|撲克遮光帽]]
! v.
| [[Quality/zh-hant#Vintage|復古的]]
! vv.
| 雙倍復古(舉例來說,vv.Tyrolean 意指 復古的優雅提洛帽)
! Whiskers
| [[Whiskered Gentleman/zh-hant|蓄鬍紳士]]
! Wig
| [[Magistrate's Mullet/zh-hant|法官假髮]]
| 將/想/希望 要買的
| 將/想/希望 要賣的
| 將/想/希望 要交易的
| 將/想/希望 要送禮的
! X:X (X = 數字,例如1)
| 這種格式的交易方法(例如 1:1 = 1個物品換1個物品)
'''[[October 20, 2010 Patch]]'''
* Added some anti-scam advice to the chat window.
* Increased trading slots to 8 slots per person.
* Added item rarity colors.
* Added the item’s original name to the item description.
* Made most tools tradable.
* Fixed Ellis' Cap and the Frying Pan not being tradable
'''[[October 27, 2010 Patch]]''' ([[Scream Fortress|Scream Fortress Update]])
{{Item tradability list}}
* Gentle Manne's Service Medal is now tradable.
'''[[January 3, 2011 Patch]]'''
* The Earbuds and Gentle Manne's Service Medal are now gift wrappable.
'''[[January 19, 2011 Patch]]'''
* Added a note in the trading dialog to let you know when your trading partner is typing.
'''[[February 7, 2011 Patch]]'''
* Updated the RIFT pre-order items to be not-tradable until the RIFT pre-order period is over
然而,這些物品大部分都是'可用'禮品包裝的'。參閱[[Gift Wrap/zh-hant|禮品包裝]]
'''[[February 24, 2011 Patch]]''' ([[Community Map Pack Update]])
* {{Undocumented}} Fixed trades only displaying one of the items traded to the server.
== 更新歷史 ==
'''[[March 1, 2011 Patch]]'''
'''[[September 30, 2010 Patch/zh-hant|2010年9月3日更新]]''' ([[Mann-Conomy Update/zh-hant|曼恩企業更新]])
* Updated the Sharpened Volcano Fragment and the Sun-on-a-Stick so they can be traded.
* 新增交易系統。
'''[[October 6, 2010 Patch/zh-hant|2010年10月6日更新]]'''
'''[[March 15, 2011 Patch]]'''
* 交易對話框現在開始和聊天窗口具有焦點。
* Updated The Shogun Pack items to be tradeable.
* 包裝過的物品現在可以拿來合成或交易。
* 社群,自製和Valve的物品是不能交易的或拿到合成系統裡面合成。
'''[[October 20, 2010 Patch|2010年10月20日更新]]'''
'''[[March 21, 2011 Patch]]'''
* 新增了一些反詐騙的諮詢意見到聊天窗口。
* Hero's Hachimaki now tradable.
* 交易框線在從4格提升至8格。
* 新增了物品稀有度的顏色。
* 新增了物品的原始名稱裡的物品描述。
* 使大多數的工具物品變成可以交易的。
'''[[October 27, 2010 Patch/zh-hant|2010年10月27日更新]]''' ([[Scream Fortress/zh-hant|2010萬聖節更新]])
'''[[May 5, 2011 Patch]]''' ([[Replay Update]])
* 紳士服務獎章現在可以拿去交易了。
* {{Undocumented}} The Hetman's Headpiece, the Janissary Ketche,The Dead Cone, and The Brain Bucket were made craftable, tradable, and could be found in drops.
'''[[January 3, 2011 Patch/zh-hant|2011年1月3日更新]]'''
'''[[May 19, 2011 Patch]]'''
* 耳機和紳士服務獎章現在可以用禮品包裝包起來送給別人。
* Made the [[Three-Rune Blade]], [[Hero's Tail]], and [[Sign of the Wolf's School]] tradable.
'''[[January 19, 2011 Patch/zh-hant|2011年1月19日更新]]'''
'''[[June 14, 2011 Patch]]'''
* 新增了註釋在交易對話框下方,讓你知道你的貿易夥伴是在打字中。
* Made the [[Conjurer's Cowl]] and [[Maul]] tradable.
'''[[February 24, 2011 Patch/zh-hant|2011年2月24日更新]]''' ([[Community Map Pack Update/zh-hant|社群地圖包更新更新]])
'''[[August 9, 2011 Patch]]'''
* {{Undocumented}} 修正了大量物品交易完成後,只顯示一個交易物品在服務器聊天上。
* Made the [[Original|The Original]], [[Dragonborn Helmet|The Dragonborn Helmet]], [[Anger|The Anger]], [[Pip-Boy|The Pip-Boy]], and [[Wingstick|The Wingstick]] tradeable.
'''[[March 1, 2011 Patch/zh-hant|2011年3月1日更新]]'''
'''[[August 23, 2011 Patch]]'''
* 更新了尖銳的火山斷片斧和大陽之杖,使它們能夠進行交易。
* Made the [[Manno-Technology Bundle]] tradable
'''[[March 15, 2011 Patch/zh-hant|2011年3月15日更新]]'''
'''[[August 30, 2011 Patch]]'''
* 更新了全軍破敵包的物品,使它們能夠進行交易。
* {{Undocumented}} Item server update made the tournament medals untradable.
'''[[March 21, 2011 Patch/zh-hant|2011年3月21日更新]]'''
'''[[September 15, 2011 Patch]]'''
* 英雄頭巾現在可以進行交易了。
* {{Undocumented}} Made the [[El Jefe]] tradable.
'''[[May 5, 2011 Patch/zh-hant|2011年5月5日更新]]''' ([[Replay Update/zh-hant|重播更新]])
'''[[September 20, 2011 Patch]]'''
* {{Undocumented}} 哥薩克首領的羽帽,土耳其禁衛軍,死亡角錐和鐵桶腦袋瓜現在可以被合成出來,交易,並且可以在掉落系統內發現到。
* Made the [[Pilotka]] and the [[Stahlhelm]] tradable.
'''[[May 19, 2011 Patch/zh-hant|2011年5月19日更新]]'''
'''[[October 20, 2011 Patch]]'''
* 現在[[Three-Rune Blade/zh-hant|盧恩古刃]],[[Hero's Tail/zh-hant|白狼之毫]]和[[Sign of the Wolf's School/zh-hant|群狼之証]]都可以進行交易。
* Fixed "Not Usable in Crafting" text not appearing under certain conditions on item tooltips in the trading UI.
== 附註 ==
== Notes ==
*如果你已經被售騙了,你可以提交一個[http://support.steampowered.com/ Steam 支援證明書]並加以解釋相關的情況。它有助於了解這場騙局的始末,如談判的談話記錄或螢幕的拍攝/影片等與詐騙相關的證據。但是,即使Valve已經明確地了解所述的內容,他們不會做任何事情來恢復您的物品,就算你是一個受到網絡釣魚詐騙的受害者。
* When trading was first introduced with the [[Mann-Conomy Update]], the trading system had 4 slots for players to trade with. This was changed to 8 slots in the [[October 20, 2010 Patch]].
* If you have been scammed, you can file a [http://support.steampowered.com/ Steam support ticket] and explain the situation. It helps to provide evidence of the scam, such as conversation logs or screenshots/videos of the scammed transaction. Valve has clearly stated, however, that they will not do anything to recover your items if you are a victim of a phishing scam.
* It's possible to continue playing and leave the trading screen in the background by pressing the 'Esc' key. Pressing 'Esc' again returns to the trading screen.
* A player wishing to block all trade requests can do so using the game options.
* There is a 30 second waiting period between unsuccessful trade requests.
* After trades, the transaction details show up on the server messages.
* If a player sends multiple trade requests to another player who declines them, there is a 2 minute waiting period between each trading request to prevent spamming.
* While trading with another, the item being traded does not show if it cannot be crafted.
* If a player is kicked from a server while waiting for a trade request, the timer at the home screen will show over 10,000 seconds.
== 展示影片 ==
== 示範影片 ==
== 畫廊 ==
== 參見 ==
* [[TF2 Trading Post/zh-hant|TF2 交易網介紹]]
File:Trading Screen Mann-Conomy1.png|交易畫面,圖中是交易過程的範例
* [[TF2 Backpack Examiner/zh-hant|TF2 背包查看網]]
File:Trading Screen Mann-Conomy3.png|在交易後收到的物品
* [[Item quality/zh-hant|屬性/品質]]
File:Trading Screen Mann-Conomy2.png|交易成功的對話框
* [[Gift Wrap/zh-hant|禮品包裝]]
* [[Backpack Expander/zh-hant|背包擴充器]]
== 參見 ==
== 參考 ==
*[[TF2 Backpack Examiner]]
== 外部連接 ==
== 外部連接 ==
[https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=9958-MJDG-3003 官方 Team Fortress 2 物品交易指南]
* [https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=9958-MJDG-3003 官方絕地要塞 2 物品交易方針]
* [https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=6748-ETSG-5417 Steam 交易問答頁面]

Revision as of 10:32, 13 November 2011

Steam trading.png



  • 在一次的交易中,兩方玩家只能從背包中拿出進 8 個物品來做交易。玩家本身的交易欄會顯示在螢幕的右上方,螢幕的左側是玩家本身的背包,可以從裡面選擇一項要交易的物品,並拖拉到自己的交易欄裡面。至於對方的交易欄則會在右下方。同時,每一格物品會顯示出它的屬性顏色。
  • 兩邊玩家可以在螢幕左下方(背包欄的下方)的聊天欄位,互相交涉交易的細節。聊天欄同時也會顯示出放上物品的原始名稱和屬性,和小心詐騙的通知。
  • 當兩方交涉完成,同意交易之後,兩人都得要在「準備交易」的框格中打勾才能進行。如果這時有哪一方玩家改變要交易的物品,打勾就會消失,而兩方玩家得要再打勾一次才行。當兩方都打勾後,玩家就可以按下「現在交易」的按鈕來完成這次交易,交易到的物品會顯示在自己的螢幕上。
  • 免費帳號的玩家不能在交易中提供任何東西,只有付費帳號的玩家才行。



Steam 交易

Steam 交易畫面。

Steam 交易(Steam Trading)是一個在2011年8月9日於公測版中登場的新功能。有接受測試 Steam 交易測試的玩家不僅可以先使用交易功能,還可以將自己的朋友選單分類到自訂的不同群組。[1]測試版的功能在2011年9月6日實裝到 Steam 正式版上。有了 Steam 交易之後,玩家可以用他們在遊戲中得到的物品,去交易其他遊戲中的物品,甚至是以送禮樣式交易的任何 Steam 平台遊戲。交易的要求可以從 Steam 內建的聊天室窗、或是從朋友選單中送出。


  • At first, the Steam Trading window shows only 8 slots to trade, when the 3rd slot on the last line is filled, more slots will appear. This allows for up to 256 items to be traded at once, eliminating the need for successive trading.
  • Items can also be searched for by using the search tool, making trades quicker and easier to conduct. As with the in-game trading menu, a chat box is also available and items are color-coded according to rarity.
  • Once a trade is made, any received items are placed into the user's in-game Backpack and Steam Inventory, ready to be used.
  • Items from other games can also be traded by clicking the inventory drop down menu and choosing a supported game's inventory. The current inventories available are Portal 2, Team Fortress 2, Spiral Knights and Steam gifts (games bought but not yet redeemed).


When trading for a Strange or Unusual item, look out for the quality colors to avoid being scammed.This example shows a Unique Garlic Flank Stake and a strange Gloves of Running Urgently
  • Pay attention to the quality of the items being offered.
  • Always review the items being traded before finishing the trade.
  • Trades should be conducted without any pressure; don't give into another player's pressure if they're urging you into a trade you do not want to be in.
  • If you feel that you are offering too much, ask a friend or another player. Many trade servers also offer "price guides" to give an idea on the value of items being traded (though these are often subjective).
  • Remember that the order that items appear in Steam Trading is not the same order that they appear in your Backpack. In Steam Trading, inventory items appear in the order in which you obtained them. This can be confusing if you own more than one of a particular item. Be sure to preview items by hovering over them in the inventory or trading boxes to make sure you are adding the correct ones. Also note that the inventory ordering (left to right = oldest to newest) also applies to items filtered using the search field.
  • Always respect the player you are trading with. Being polite, courteous and honest are very important aspects of trading.
  • Avoid trades in-game that involve more than eight items or are split up into separate trades; use Steam Trading to trade more than eight items at a time. For example, if you were selling an item for 19 Refined Metal, a scammer could give you eight Refined Metal for the item in the first trade and then not engage in additional trades for the rest of the items.
  • Be aware of renamed items, as a scammer could rename a common item as a rare item ( a Unique Pyro's Beanie made to look like an Unusual Pyro's Beanie for example). The chat box will show notifications about renamed items to help avoid confusion and scams.
  • Check if the items you receive in the trade are craftable. After the October 13, 2011 Patch, the items brought from the store will not be able to be crafted. But they can be traded.




  • All items in the game are tradable with the exception of the items above and achievement milestone weapons. If metal is crafted using any achievement weapon, it becomes untradable. Anything crafted using untradable items also becomes untradable. However, most of the above items are gift-wrappable, providing a way to trade normally un-tradable items.


  • As of the Manniversary Update & Sale, all items (including weapons and tools) that are bought in the Mann Co. Store are untradable for two days. Afterwards, they become tradable like other normal items.
  • Additionally, items that are awarded in Genuine quality for pre-ordering a game on Steam are initially untradable, but generally become tradable once the game is released.

Update history

September 30, 2010 Patch (Mann-Conomy Update)
  • Added trading system.

October 6, 2010 Patch

  • The Trading dialog now starts with the chat window having focus.
  • Gifted items are now craftable and tradable.
  • Community, Self-Made, and Valve items are not tradable or usable in crafting.

October 20, 2010 Patch

  • Added some anti-scam advice to the chat window.
  • Increased trading slots to 8 slots per person.
  • Added item rarity colors.
  • Added the item’s original name to the item description.
  • Made most tools tradable.
  • Fixed Ellis' Cap and the Frying Pan not being tradable

October 27, 2010 Patch (Scream Fortress Update)

  • Gentle Manne's Service Medal is now tradable.

January 3, 2011 Patch

  • The Earbuds and Gentle Manne's Service Medal are now gift wrappable.

January 19, 2011 Patch

  • Added a note in the trading dialog to let you know when your trading partner is typing.

February 7, 2011 Patch

  • Updated the RIFT pre-order items to be not-tradable until the RIFT pre-order period is over

February 24, 2011 Patch (Community Map Pack Update)

  • [未記載] Fixed trades only displaying one of the items traded to the server.

March 1, 2011 Patch

  • Updated the Sharpened Volcano Fragment and the Sun-on-a-Stick so they can be traded.

March 15, 2011 Patch

  • Updated The Shogun Pack items to be tradeable.

March 21, 2011 Patch

  • Hero's Hachimaki now tradable.

May 5, 2011 Patch (Replay Update)

  • [未記載] The Hetman's Headpiece, the Janissary Ketche,The Dead Cone, and The Brain Bucket were made craftable, tradable, and could be found in drops.

May 19, 2011 Patch

June 14, 2011 Patch

August 9, 2011 Patch

August 23, 2011 Patch

August 30, 2011 Patch

  • [未記載] Item server update made the tournament medals untradable.

September 15, 2011 Patch

  • [未記載] Made the El Jefe tradable.

September 20, 2011 Patch

October 20, 2011 Patch

  • Fixed "Not Usable in Crafting" text not appearing under certain conditions on item tooltips in the trading UI.


  • When trading was first introduced with the Mann-Conomy Update, the trading system had 4 slots for players to trade with. This was changed to 8 slots in the October 20, 2010 Patch.
  • If you have been scammed, you can file a Steam support ticket and explain the situation. It helps to provide evidence of the scam, such as conversation logs or screenshots/videos of the scammed transaction. Valve has clearly stated, however, that they will not do anything to recover your items if you are a victim of a phishing scam.
  • It's possible to continue playing and leave the trading screen in the background by pressing the 'Esc' key. Pressing 'Esc' again returns to the trading screen.
  • A player wishing to block all trade requests can do so using the game options.
  • There is a 30 second waiting period between unsuccessful trade requests.
  • After trades, the transaction details show up on the server messages.
  • If a player sends multiple trade requests to another player who declines them, there is a 2 minute waiting period between each trading request to prevent spamming.
  • While trading with another, the item being traded does not show if it cannot be crafted.
  • If a player is kicked from a server while waiting for a trade request, the timer at the home screen will show over 10,000 seconds.



