Tyrant's Helm

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The Tyrant's helm is an headwear item for the Soldier. Released with the Classless Update, it appears as a peaked bronze cap, with flaking team-colored paint on the two riveted panel sections. The style is typically associated with the Vikings.


  • Today there is only one known example of a Viking helmet in existence. This Viking helmet was made of iron and was in the shape of a rounded or peaked cap made from four plates after the spangenhelm pattern. The helm was excavated from Gjermundbu, Norway, and dated to the 10th century (ref). From runestones and other illustrations, it is understood the Vikings wore simple helmets, often peaked caps with a simple nose-guard. It is unlikely that any Viking helmets had horns or wings mounted on them, but illustrations from the 19th Century popularized this representation.
  • According to the TF2Items hat statistics page. The Tyrant's helm is the most popular and trade requested hat and is also the fourth least given hat drop.