Template:User Gargoyle

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Backpack Soul Gargoyle.png This user owns a Sad Soul Gargoyle.
Souls collected: 0

Documentation for User Gargoyle


{{User Gargoyle|rank = 20|souls = 36000}} produces:
Backpack Soul Gargoyle Gold.png This user owns a Merasmus's Own Soul Gargoyle!
Souls collected: 36000


Takes any number from 0 to 20. Each number corresponds to a Soul Gargoyle Rank. For a full list, see Soul Gargoyle page.
Can be any number, corresponds to the souls collected.
{{User Gargoyle
| rank = Your Soul Gargoyle's "Rank" number.
| souls = Your Soul Gargoyle's "Souls Collected" number.


Backpack Soul Gargoyle.png This user owns a Sad Soul Gargoyle.
Souls collected: 0
Backpack Soul Gargoyle Bronze.png This user owns a Silly Soul Gargoyle.
Souls collected: 666
Backpack Soul Gargoyle Silver.png This user owns a Sneering Soul Gargoyle.
Souls collected: 1337
Backpack Soul Gargoyle Gold.png This user owns a Happy Soul Gargoyle!
Souls collected: 2000
Backpack Soul Gargoyle Gold.png This user owns a Merasmus's Own Soul Gargoyle!
Souls collected: 36000